The French and Indian War
England, France, and Indians wanted land between the colonies, the Ohio River Valley. The British get lots of land, but are 122 million pounds in debt. The French lose all territory, but keeps only a few small islands. They maintain a positive relationship with the Natives. The Natives also exchanged goods for firearms, but lost battle and land. They lost some of their culture and got a bad relationship with the British. And finally, the colonies get defense from the british army but pay taxes. -
Sugar Act
The Sugar Act, was a law that attempted to stop the smuggling of sugar and molasses in the colonies by reducing the previous tax rate and enforcing the collection of duties. The Sugar Act was made to prevent colonial trade with countries other than Britain, especially France and Spain with colonies in the West Indies while increasing revenue to pay British debt. -
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was a tax that was imposed on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used. Ship's papers, legal documents, licenses, newspapers, other publications, and even playing cards were taxed. The money collected was to pay the cost of defending and protecting the British Soldiers. Essentially, they taxed everyday paper items. -
Quartering Act
The Quartering Act of 1765 required the colonies to house British soldiers in barracks provided by the colonies. It angered the colonists that the British soldiers were allowed to barge into their houses and take refuge. -
Coercive/Intolerable Acts: Boston Port Act
Due to the fact that the colonists got tired of having to pay taxes, the British began to lose control of the 13 colonies. The Boston Port Act mentioned the Boston Tea Party, which was when a group of colonists threw a bunch of tea overboard into the Boston Wharf. The Act said that the Port of Boston was to be closed until the city’s residents pay for the nearly $1 million worth (in today’s money) of tea dumped into the Boston Harbor. -
Declaration of Independence
The Colonies had realized that they didnt need the British in America. The Declaration of Independnce is the "break up note" that the colonies gave to Britain. The Declaration of Independence states that:
People must break ties with eachother to get neccessities,
We are all born with equal rights, and a destructive government may be abolished,
Britiain puts too many restrictions on the colonies,
England is abusive,
and that the Colonies are trying to get freedom w/o responsibility... continued -
Dec. of Ind. (Continued)
...responsibility of wrong doing of the mother country. -
Battle of Trenton
Americans went to ambush the British, and by their luck they found them inftoxicated (drunk). The Americans gained territory from this. -
Battle of Saratoga
The British tried to stop Americans from using the Hudson River so they wouldnt have as many soldiers. The battle helped convince France to join Americans. This battle helped the Americans win the revolutionary war. -
Battle of Yorktown
The Battle of Yorktown was the last major military operation of the American Revolution. The Americans won because they outnumbered the British. The battle is important because Britain had surrendered for good. The outcome of the battle had led to the Treaty of Paris. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris formally ended the American War of Independence and recognized Great Britain's former 13 colonies as free and independent states, acknowledging the existence of the United States as a sovereign country.This treaty also had all prisoners of war set free. -
A Legend Was Born.
remember this date obrocki.