First formal correspondence school established
Founded by Ana Eliot Tickner in Boston, MA. The school was called The Society to Encourage Studies at Home. -
First American educational institution to offer correspondence courses.
The University of Chicago becomes the first traditional American educational institution to offer correspondence courses. -
First courses broadcasted over the radio
Pennsylvania State University is the first college/university to broadcast courses over the radio. -
First televised college classes
The University of Houston offered the first televised college classes on
channel KUHT. The station ran educational material during the week for approximately 38% of its total broadcasting time with many courses offered in the evening for those who worked during the day. -
Coastline Community College
The first virtual campus operating out of Fountain Valley, CA offers a degree program entirely through telecommuting courses (telephone, television, radio, records, and tapes). -
The Osborne 1
The Osborne 1, the first commercially successful portable computer, is born. -
The University of Phoenix
The first institution to launch a fully online collegiate institution that offers both bachelors and masters degrees. -
BlackBoard Course Management
Blackboard Course Management is founded. Enables many more schools to be available online. -
iTunes U
iTunes U begins offering downloadable lectures. -
Youtube EDU
YouTube EDU offers free lectures online. -
Udacity begins offering massive open online courses (MOOCs) on behalf of MIT and Harvard