Titanic Sinks
The Titanic sink during this era on its journey to the USA. Ewers, J. (2008, September 25). The Secret of How the Titanic Sank [Photograph].Retrieved from http://www.usnews.com/cmsmedia/0e/e187dd2f8f1fe5be9058fa8eef419e/7018FE_DA_080929titanic.jpg -
Period: to
Graphic Design Timeline
Herbert Bayer
Approximately 1919-1959
He created images that harmonized human relationship with nature. He also develop "World Geo-graphic Atlas" in 1953 which showed images of environmental issues which included the growth of human popluation (Anker, 2007) Anker, P. (2007). graphic language: HERBERT BAYER' S. Environmental History, 12(2), 254-278. Herbert Bayer [Photograph]. (1975). Retrieved from http://adcglobal.org/hall-of-fame/herbert-bayer/ -
Approximately 1924
Set the artists imagination free. Surrealism. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.artyfactory.com/art_appreciation/timelines/modern_art_timeline_part_2.html Surrealism [Photograph]. (2012). Retrieved from http://webneel.com/daily/sites/
default/files/images/daily/11-2012/surreal-painting-vladimir-kush%20(4).jpg -
The Great Depression
Approximately 1929
The Great Depression was in this era, investers lost everything but as for designers this era was ggod because the "New Deal" was accepted and created jobs for designers. http://gdh.2rsolutions.cz/# -
Paul Rand
Approximately 1939-1943
He created covers for Direction Magazine between 1939-1943 that encourged conventional practice. His covers were influences by modern art (Heller, 2015). Heller, S. (2015). Navigating Direction. Print, 69(3), 36-37 Image: http://www.brandingbusiness.com/media/1792/theranddeductions_blog_img.jpg -
Andy Warhol
Approximately 1949
He graduated in June of 1949 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Pictorial Design.His first work appeared in Glamour magazine in Septmeber 1949. With in his line of work his clients were Tiffany & Co., The New York Times, NBC and others. Wrbican, M. (2006, September 20). Andy Warhol A Documentary Film. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/episodes/andy-warhol/a-documentary-film/44/ -
Color TV starts
Approximately 1951
Color TV was a turning point in motion and film design in this era. In the US it was introduced in 1961. Color TV [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.peoplegreece.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/21/color_tv_day_attach.jpg -
Approximately 1960-2000
Graffiti is an art form in the meanings of culture and expression. It started in New York and soon it spread all over the world. Kids that came from the "ghetto" used Graffiti to find a way to express themseleves creatively to the soicety that told them they wasnt good enough. Graffiti. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://csdt.rpi.edu/subcult/grafitti/
Birth_and_Evolution.html -
Optical Art
In 1960’s Optical ary was an abstract style that emerged based on the illusionistic effects of line, shape, pattern and color. Optical Art. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.artyfactory.com/art_appreciation/timelines/modern_art_timeline_part_2.html Optical Art [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/optical-art-op-also-known-as-style-visual-makes-use-illusions-32575463.jpg -
April Greiman
When Macintosh was making a unsteady entry into the design market, other designers was opposed she saw potential of this technology. She's a poineer of digaital communications design. She too use typography in her designs. AIGA April Greiman. (1998). Retrieved from http://www.aiga.org/
https://danipetriello.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/hero_stacked.jpg -
Wolfgang Weingart
In the 1990's
He taught a newer approach in typography that influence the development of new wave. Wolfgang Weingart. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.designishistory.com/1960/wolfgang-weingart/ Wolfgang Weingart [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved from