Thomas Samuel Kuhn 1922-1996

  • The Birth of Thomas Kuhn

    The Birth of Thomas Kuhn
    Thomas Kuhn was born July 8th 1922 in Cincinatti Ohio. Peter Godfrey-Smith, & Peter Godfrey-Smith. (2003). Theory and reality: an introduction to the philosophy of science. (pp. xiii–xiii). University of Chicago Press.
  • Harvard University Ph.D. Grad

    Harvard University Ph.D. Grad
    Kuhn earned his bachelor’s in 1943 master’s in 1946 degrees in physics at Harvard University and obtained a Ph.D. in 1949
  • The Copernican Revolution/ 1st published book

    The Copernican Revolution/ 1st published book
    Thomas Kuhn published his first book involving the Heliocentric Theory. This was the study and development of the solar system. The Heliocentric Theory is which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun (the sun the center of the universe.) This removed the paradigm that Earth was the center of the universe (geocentric). He involved mathematics predictions to this theory to and simplified the apparent motion of the sun and stars. Copernicus and Newton were key factors in this theory as well.
  • The Structure of the Scientific Revolution/ 2nd published book

    The Structure of the Scientific Revolution/ 2nd published book
    Kuhn distinguished normal science from revolutionary science, normal science was referred as conceptual world views. Scientists may come across a crisis, an accumulation of anomalies that no longer make sense. This then causes individuals to find issues or lose faith in their paradigm. When a new solution emerges that is known by as a Paradigm shift or Scientific revolution. Once accepted the old Paradigm is replaced with the new one.
  • The second edition of "The Structure of Scientific Revolution"

    The second edition of "The Structure of Scientific Revolution"
  • Kuhn’s essay collection

    Kuhn’s essay collection
    "The Essential Tension taken from one of Kuhn’s earliest essays in which he emphasizes the importance of tradition in science. The following year saw the publication of his second historical monograph Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, concerning the early history of quantum mechanics." Bird, Alexander, "Thomas Kuhn", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =
  • Black-Body Theory

    Black-Body Theory
    Quantum Discontinuity.
  • Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor

    Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor
    Kuhn was awarded this title at MIT.
  • Death Of Kuhn

    Death Of Kuhn
    The importance of Kuhn’s books and theories is to say that he shook traditional myths of science. Including empiricist, Kuhn showed actual scientific behavior had little to do with traditional philosophical theories. Thomas Kuhn worked on the concept of incommensurability in the 1980's-90's. He died June 17th, 1996, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Thomas S. Kuhn". Encyclopedia Britannica, 26 Jan. 2024,