Thomas Kuhn Timeline by Aiden Rishel PHIL202 I001 Winter 2024

  • Thomas Kuhn (July 1922- June 1996)

    Thomas Kuhn (July 1922- June 1996)
    The Copernican Revolution: Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought: There is groundwork for The Structure of Scientific Revolutions with the heliocentric model clearly being a paradigm shift. Also the noting of procedural shifts in observation and instrumentation helped open discussion on other scientific methodologies.
    Works Cited:
    Kuhn, Homas H. The Copernican Revolution: Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought. Harvard Univ., 1957.
  • Thomas Kuhn (July 1922- June 1996)

    Thomas Kuhn (July 1922- June 1996)
    Publication of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions": By far Kuhn's most significant work, this challenged traditional scientific views. It introduced paradigm shifts, normal science and groundbreaking new ideas about scientific revolutions and how they come about. Here is a great summary video.
    Works Cited:
    Kuhn, Thomas S. (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1st ed.). University of Chicago Press
  • Thomas Kuhn (July 1922- June 1996)

    Thomas Kuhn (July 1922- June 1996)
    "The Essential Tension": An important expansion and deep dive into concepts introduced by Kuhn's previous publication "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions." Significant points considered were the role of anomalies and tradition and innovation (Kuhn, 1977).
    Works Cited:
    Kuhn, Thomas S. The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change. University of Chicago Press, 1977.
  • Thomas Kuhn (July 1922- June 1996)

    Thomas Kuhn (July 1922- June 1996)
    "The Road Since Structure": This collection of papers is a follow up to his most important work and has important rebuttals and explanations on previous concepts. It also reflects on the reception of his work.
    Works Cited:
    Kuhn, Thomas S. The Road Since Structure. 2000,