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Thomas Kuhn (July 18, 1922 – June 17, 1996)

  • Thomas Kuhn (1922-1962)

    Thomas Kuhn was born in July of 1922. Kuhn educated in private progressive school that supported independent thinking rather than just learning the facts and subjects. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in physics from Harvard, obtained his Master and Doctorate in physics under the supervision of John Vleck. In 1962 Kuhn published “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”, where Kuhn presented the notion of alternating phases of Normal Science and Scientific Revolution known as paradigm shift.
  • Paradigm Shift (Normal Science)

    Normal Science is the regular work of a scientist theorizing, experimenting and observing in a set paradigm or framework/matrix. By fixing the framework of Normal Science leads to the cumulative generation of puzzle-solutions. Normal Science slowly accumulates detail in a method that establish broad theories, with out questioning the underlying assumptions of that theory. Kuhn defined Normal Science as the bulk of scientific work that was done.
  • Paradigm Shift (Science Revolution)

    Scientific Revolution is a reference to a series of events that marked a turning point in the age modern science, which took place toward the end of the Renaissance period and throughout the late 18th Century. This consist of all the major sciences at the time transforming the views of society toward nature. By using Scientific Revolution framework/matrix undergoes changes to create greater anomalous puzzle that can cause contradiction of the finding of Normal Science.
  • Paradigm Shift Examples

    An example would be the change from the Ptolemaic system to the Copernican system. Ptolemaic system stating that the earth is the center of the solar system and the rest of the planets and stars rotate around it. The Copernican stating the sun is the center of the solar system with the earth and rest of the solar system moving around it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx-oRPbLHTg