Thomas Kuhn

  • Birth of Thomas Kuhn

    Birth of Thomas Kuhn
    Thomas Kuhn, the esteemed philosopher of science, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on July 18, 1922, as the first of two children to Samuel L. and Minette Kuhn. Educational video of Thomas Kuhn: Image citation: Thomas Kuhn. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  • Publication of "The Copernican Revolution"

    Publication of "The Copernican Revolution"
    Thomas Kuhn's first major work was published. This work examined the historical and philosophical implications of the shift from Ptolemaic geocentric model to the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus. This work led to Kuhn's further work of scientific revolutions.
    Kuhn, Thomas S. (1957). The Copernican Revolution: Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought. Harvard University Press.
    Photo: The Copernican Revolution Book. Goodreads.
  • Publication of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"

    Publication of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
    This was published as part of the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science. Kuhn introduced the concept of paradigm shifts, that of which we discussed in our week 3 discussion. The terms paradigm shifts and normal science become part of normal discussions relating to scientific progress after this publication.
    Kuhn, Thomas. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press, 1962.
    Image:Cover of First Edition. Wikipedia. 1962
  • Publication of "The Essential Tension"

    Publication of "The Essential Tension"
    This collection of essays expanded the thoughts in "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions," focusing on the tension between tradition and innovation in scientific research. This book demonstrated how scientific communities balance adherence to established theories with the pursuit of novel ideas.
    Kuhn, Thomas S.(1977 Mar 15). The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change. University of Chicago Press.
    Image: The Essential Tension. The University of Chicago Press.
  • MIT Professor

    MIT Professor
    Thomas Kuhn became a MIT professor in 1979, MIT has always been known for its rigorous academic teachings, and has been a leader in science and technology. His presence at MIT provided him with a platform to collaborate with other leading scholars and to influence the next generation of thinkers in the philosophy of science.
    McLaughlin, P. (2002). Thomas Kuhn and the History of Science. Cambridge University Press.
    Image: Thomas Kuhn. Skúli Sigurdsson. November 1989.
  • Awarded the Howard T. Behrman Award for Distinguished Achievement in the Humanities

    Awarded the Howard T. Behrman Award for Distinguished Achievement in the Humanities
    Kuhn's work had become foundational in the study of the history and philosophy of science. This recognition proved how Kuhn's ideas reshaped the understanding of scientific inquiry and progress across multiple disciplines.
    Princeton University. (1991). Howard T. Behrman Award in the Humanities: Thomas Kuhn.
    Image: Howard T. Behrman Award. Princeton University. 2022.
  • Death of Thomas Kuhn

    Thomas Kuhn died of cancer, after his many years of achievements in the field of philosophy.