Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn

  • Period: to

    Life & Death

    Born 18 July 1922
    Death 17 June 1996
    American Philosopher
    Originally from Ohio
  • Thomas Kuhn Cycle "Paradigm Shift"

    Better known as the "Kuhn Cycle", broke down science into a really never ending cycle.
    "Normal Science"
    "Model Drift"
    "Model Crisis"
    "Model Revolution"
    "Paradigm Change"
    This cycle is continuous, and is how we end up with major scientific revolutions per Kuhn.
  • Scientific Revolution Continued

    Thomas Kuhns contribution to the "structure" of scientific revolution, in a way lead to a scientific revolution. His break down lead to a new way of looking at science and produced a new image of it.
  • Scientific Revolutions

    Thomas Kuhn, most famous for his writings and book on "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". He believed science as we know it changes between periods of "normal" and "revolutionary". An example would be when theories are not be contested then moving into a time period where great change is on the horizon, and the foundations of science as we know it are be shaken. This leads to revolution in the scientific community.
  • Youtube Video Breaking Down Scientific Revolution
    Excellent break down of scientific structure and the revolutionary aspects of Thomas Kuhns book.