Paradigm Shifts - Normal Science
The Normal Science paradigm phase is the phase in which scientific discovery spends the majority of its time. This phase is well organized and there are universal truths shared among scientist. These truths include which problems demand the most attention. This phase is of critical importance to paradigm shifts because the scientist do not argue basic truths anymore and can focus on the bigger problems with the theory. (Godfrey-Smith 78) -
Paradigm Shifts - Anomalies
Anomalies are issues within an accepted paradigm that cannot be resolved using the current understanding. This would have been detrimental prior to Kuhn Structure book, but to Kuhn an Anomaly is almost certain to happen and is actually a good thing. Once and anomaly is discovered and solved it serves to strengthen the current paradigm. This is another key point that made Kuhn so revolutionary and showed Poppers views may have been to harsh, given the reality of doing science. -
Paradigm Shifts - Crisis
An important stage of paradigm shifts is the crisis stage. In the crisis stage scientist begin to lose confidence that the current paradigm is capable of answering anomalies present in the field. Once confidence begins fade away the scientist start to become less enthusiastic the paradigm is actually correct and now the normal stage of the paradigm has basiaclly diminished. -
Kuhn and Philosophy
Thomas Kuhn's paradigm shift philosophy made a major impact in the philosophy of science. He essentially over turned Karl Poppers empirical falsification theory in favor of a theory that seems capable of finding truth. Karl Poppers views essentially tell us that absolute truth is impossible to find. In order to seek the truth you must prove a theory wrong. Paradigm shifts allow for skepticism and change in science while still allowing a sort of absolute truth. Truth until proven otherwise. -
Video - Chapter 2.1: Thomas Kuhn, normal science
Paradigm Shifts - Pre-paradigmatic
One of the most critical elements of Kuhns arguemtns in "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" was paradigm shifts. The first part of a paradigm shift is the pre-paradigmatic phase. This phase is chaotic because scientist aren't sure what the questions that need to be asked are or how to experiment to gain further knowledge.(Leiden University) An current example would be that of dark matter, since scientist only hypothesis it exist they have no real way of testing it. -
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is published in 1962. This book would counter arguments presented Karl Popper. Karl Popper argued that real scientist were hyper critical of their own theories all of the time. There was no part of a theory that could ever be accepted as truth an was always up for debate. Kuhn would argue in his famous book that Karl Poppers view on science vs. pseudo science was too harsh and would actually halt the progression of knowledge. (Leiden University) -
Paradigm Shifts - Scientific Revolutions (Paradigm Shifts)
This paradigm shift is the result of a crisis that overturns an accepted paradigm in favor of a bold new model that can completely answer previously understood concepts plus the anomalies that caused the crisis. (Kuhn 1962) This shifts completely revolutionize the field of study in which they are happening. Once the paradigm shift is complete and a new model of understanding is established the field will return to the normal science phase and the cycle starts anew.