
Thomas Kuhn 07/18/1922 - 06/17/1996

  • Period: to

    Kuhn's Contribution To Science

    This was when relativity was recognized by the scientific community. This is the new paradigm that Kuhn's "Normal Science" would be based upon. Lendvay, James "PHIL 202: Week 3: Scientific Revolutions." 01 Sep. 2021, American Military University. Microsoft Powerpoint presentation
  • The Copernician Revolution

    The Copernician Revolution
    This work of Kuhn's demonstrated how the original belief of a geocentric understanding of the universe changed to a heliocentric understanding meaning it centered around the sun. The findings were important since it helped other findings to be based off of concrete laws and physics. "The Copernican Revolution — Thomas S. Kuhn." N.p., 2021. Web. 1 Sept. 2021.
  • 1962 -The Publishing Of The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions

    Kuhn believed that science was was more likely influenced by factors like gender, racial bias, and particular social classes instead of just on the forces only dealing with the scientific context. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press, 1970. Print.
  • Kuhn's Beliefs

    Kuhn believed that until there was a paradigm shift that scientists will simply "discover" what they observe. He referred to this as a "Normal Science" while the scientists were only making "important" contributions if it changed the paradigm. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press, 1970. Print.
  • Incommensurability And Progress

    Incommensurability And Progress This video demonstrates Kuhn's views of Incommensurability and progress.