Thomas khun101

Thomas Khun Birth: July 18, 1922 Death: June 17, 1996 Age 44

  • paradigm

    khun considered, theoretically explained account of scientific
    change, he saw that philosophy in science was a never ending
    concept when comparing old truth to new ones. he was the first
    to develope alternative account in how science was viewed
    meaning that his view on how scienctific practices was too uniform, and limiting, his idea change how we view science and it's prctices, like a puzzle, or chess with standard and predictable outcomes, but vice versa.(a paradigm is a way of thinking.)
  • Normal science

    Normal science
    " Normal science scientists neither test nor seek to confirm the
    guiding theories of their disciplinary matrix" according to khun.
    normal science when compared and contrast introduced change on how we
    viewed the world and how we looked at science, a revolution outlook on
    how we view science, and life as a whole one that make sense in
    relation to one another leading to great contribution to science and
    life. normal science It does not aim to discover new phenomena.
  • Incommensurability

    Theories are not permanent , They are no rules just because they are conceivable or are similar to what we already know. "Newton’s account of gravitation, involving action at a distance , for example, to Ptolemy’s explanation of the motion of the planets in terms of contiguous crystalline spheres or to Descartes’. Once Newton’s theory had become accepted and the paradigm by which later theories were judged, the lack of an underlying mechanism for a fundamental force was regarded as no objection"
  • social science

    social science
    Kuhn’s rejection of rules as determining scientific
    outcomes appeared to permit appeal to other factors, external to science, in explaining why a scientific revolution took the course that it did. "the scientific study of human society and social relationships".
    contributions that lead to sociology, anthropology, social policy, and global health. social science contributed to many things that are still relavant today building effective government and democracy.
  • paradifm shift