Ww2 40

Thomas, Boster WW2

  • 19

    Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan is mad because the U.S are trying to stop their invasions so they attack Pearl Harbor which is a naval base in Hawii. Japan was trying stop all ambushes from the U.S navy.
  • Japan invading china

    Japan invading china
    Japan is continuing to invade china
  • Munich Act

    Munich Act
    An agreement for Hitler to stop taking over land, but in the future he will take over more land and break that act
  • Soviet Non-Aggression pact

    Soviet Non-Aggression pact
    Germany and the Soviet Union are allies and they will not attack each other
  • Invasion on Poland

    Invasion on Poland
    Germany and the Soviet Union planned an attack on Poland where
    Germany attacked from the we and the Soviet's attacked from the east to take over Poland this is also why France declared war on Germany .
  • Germany attacks the Soviet Union

    Germany attacks the Soviet Union
    After losing an attack on Germans turn to the Soviet's and start marching troops and attacking them.
  • U.S declares War

    U.S declares War
    The U.S declares war on japan the day after the attack on
    Pearl Harbor