4000 BCE
Widespread Use of Beer in the Middle East
By 4000 BCE, many varieties of beer were commonly used in the middle-eastern region of the globe. -
4000 BCE
Domestication of Horses
Pastoral people living in southern Russia began the domestication of Horses -
4000 BCE
Secondary Products Revolution
A chain of interactions resulting in new uses for domesticated animals, such as for milk, manure, and manual labor across Europe, Asia, and Africa. -
Period: 4000 BCE to 3100 BCE
Uruk Civilization
ancient Mesopotamia's largest city (pop. 50,000) -
Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Domestication of maize/corn
A cereal grain first domesticated in southern Mexico -
Period: 3500 BCE to 2999 BCE
First Emergence of Civilization
Earliest recorded civilizations expanding from Sumer, Egypt, and the central coast of Peru. -
3400 BCE
an early Nubian civilization originating south of Egypt in the Nile Valley -
Period: 3200 BCE to 2350 BCE
Mesopotamian Civilization
grown primarily in Sumer and organized by a plethora of city-states in a harsher environment compared to its neighboring territories. -
Period: 3100 BCE to 2000 BCE
Egyptian Civilization
Beginning in 3100 BCE, this community of people existed under the powerful rule of the pharaoh until harsh environment and uprising classes brought the civilization to a rocky corner in 2000 BCE -
3000 BCE
Bantu Migration
Creating the spark for much of Africa's agricultural advances in the south, numerous Bantu-speaking people moved from east to south, spreading their culture and agriculture expertise with them. -
2600 BCE
Emergence of Caral, Norte Chico
One of the first great cities expanding from the coast of Peru -
Period: 2350 BCE to 612 BCE
Destruction of Mesopatmia
A series of devastating battles at the hands of powerful northern territories beginning with Akkadians, and ending with the Assyrians empire. -
Period: 2200 BCE to 1700 BCE
Oxus Civilization
an aristocratic society with no written language but many forms of pottery and views of gods/goddesses -
Period: 2070 BCE to 1600 BCE
Xia Dynasty
One of the earliest Chinese civilizations that focused on a strong monarchy, who's ruler was able to "master the waters and made them flow in great channels". -
2000 BCE
Mohenjo Daro
a 2,000 BCE city along the Indus river (pop. 40,000) with 2-3 story houses -
Period: 2000 BCE to 1700 BCE
Peak and Fall of Indus Valley Civilization
Being much larger than Egypt and Mesopotamia, this addition to the worlds First Civilizations showed no evidence of kings, palaces, temples or warrior classes. -
1775 BCE
Code of Hammurabi
an accumulation of 200+ by the Babylonian Empire -
Period: 1600 BCE to 1046 BCE
Shang Dynasty
An addition to the Chinese state resulting from the fall of the previous monarchy. -
Period: 1200 BCE to 350 BCE
Olmec Civilization
the "mother of Civilization in mesoamerica" that came from numerous chiefdoms and introduced the first written language in the Americas. (around the Gulf of Mexico near Veracruz) -
Period: 1046 BCE to 768 BCE
Zhou Dynasty
Another addition to early Chinese civilization -
760 BCE
Kush Invasion
A Nubian kingdom that invaded Egypt and ruled for a century