
Thinkers Time line

  • 347

    Socrates and Plato

    Socrates and Plato
    They sustined that the objective in life is one´s development not walth
  • 354


    Borns the term of political economics, studies walth money as a necesary way to exchange - negociate -usage and change
  • 355


    Examines public founds and finances
  • Jan 1, 1225

    Saint Thomas Aquinas

    Saint Thomas Aquinas
    Economical ethics, justices, property
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    Gestation of capitalism, change from n exchange economy to a wealth economy
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Adds up the capital importance as a production factor, outlines its acumulation, money is a reflection of an expression of worth
  • Malthus

    Low salaries cause by over population
  • David Ricardo

    David Ricardo
    Circulation of money, dutty, wich benefits tha state. Distribution of incomes
  • Charles Marx

    Charles Marx
    Materialism; money / walth is vital. Economical system walthness is produced by the worker
  • Jhon Stuart Mill

    Jhon Stuart Mill
    Economical politics; rights ad obligation in an (internatuinal level and institución
  • Marshall

    Marginal utility, determining prices, worth, as the balances between supply and demand
  • Jhon Maynard Keynes

    Jhon Maynard Keynes
    The interest rate depend the existant wealth offer added - demand added
  • Amartya Sen

    Amartya Sen
    An expansion of capabilities that individuals enjoy