
Theta Chi at Fresno State History: National & Local

  • National History: The Regulators

    National History: The Regulators
    Theta Chi was the first Greek Letter society to make its appearance at Norwich. It was preceded in 1853 by a secret society known as the “Regulators.” Whether there was any connection between the Regulators and Theta Chi is open to conjecture. It is known that Freeman was a Regulator and that when the Regulators passed out of existence in 1856 practically all of the paraphernalia of this organization passed into the possession of Theta Chi Society.
  • National History: Theta Chi Society is Founded

    National History: Theta Chi Society is Founded
    Theta Chi Society, as it was then known, was founded at Norwich University, Norwich, Vermont, in the Old South Barracks at nine o’clock on Thursday evening, April 10, 1856 by Fredrick Norton Freeman and Arthur P. Chase with assitance from Egbert Phelps,
  • National History: Humble Beginnings

    National History: Humble Beginnings
    At that time Arthur P. Chase (left), and, Frederick Norton Freeman (right), met in Freeman’s room in the Old South Barracks of the University and, to quote from the minutes of the first meeting, “being called to order by Mr. Chase, Messrs. Chase and Freeman mutually took the oaths prescribed and declared each other true and accepted members of the Theta Chi Society.” From this humble beginning Theta Chi Fraternity has grown to its present status.
  • National History: The Second Meeting

    National History: The Second Meeting
    The first initiation was conducted. One of the initiates was Edward Bancroft Williston of San Diego, California, and the other was Lorenzo Potter of Elkhorn, Wisconsin.
  • National History: In Spring South Barracks Burn Down

    National History: In Spring South Barracks Burn Down
    It is reasonable to believe that some of the early records and relics of the Fraternity were lost at this time. The University moved after the fire to Northfield, Vermont, its present location.
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    National History: In Spring South Barracks Burn Down

    It is reasonable to believe that some of the early records and relics of the Fraternity were lost at this time. The University moved after the fire to Northfield, Vermont, its present location.
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    National History: Fraternity Endures Changes

    ....that even with a small [Norwich] university enrollment, Theta Chi was able to get its share of new members.
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    National History: Fraternity Fights On

    ...the student body of Norwich was reduced to a dozen men, and Theta Chi found itself with one active member. This critical situation was relieved when local alumni worked with the undergraduate member, James M. Holland, ’83, in pledging and initiating Phil S. Randall, ’86, and Henry B. Hersey, ’85, thus preserving the existence of the Fraternity.
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    National History: Theta Chi Incorporated

    In 1888 Theta Chi Fraternity was incorporated under the laws of Vermont. From 1888 until the establishment of the Beta Chapter, fourteen years later, the history of the Fraternity is a history of steady growth of a chapter both in general strength and in members.
  • National History: Beta Chapter is Established

    National History: Beta Chapter is Established
    With the establishment of Beta Chapter at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston Massachusetts, on December 13, 1902, a new era opened for Theta Chi, an era of country-wide expansion and national organization and administration.
  • National History: Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Convention

    National History: Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Convention
    Held in Northfield, Vermont: The Fraternity placed suitably marked granite memorials at the grave of Freeman near Plainfield, New Hampshire, and the grave of Chase in Claremont, New Hampshire. Also the Fraternity erected a granite monument with a bronze plaque at Norwich, Vermont, to commemorate the founding of the Fraternity.