The h

The unfair government, poor quality of life, and unnatural rights of the Haitian people were influenced by the ideas of Enlightenment philosophers, resulting in the Haitian people wanting to rebel against the French.

  • 1448

    Thesis Continued

    Thesis Continued
    ;Like during the american revolution when the american threw the tea into the ocean to rebel against the british.
  • 1492


    “The Spanish began to enslave the native Taino and Ciboney people soon after December 1492,”.(Britannica) The spanish enslaved the people of Haitian in 1492. After they took over the land they lived on. It goes against Locke's idea of how all men are born free, because they were born into slavery.
  • Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes
    “Hobbes developed some of the fundamentals of European liberal thought: the right of the individual; the natural equality of all men; the artificial character of the political order” (Biography) Thomas Hobbes was one of the many enlightenment thinkers who believed that everyone should have natural rights. He believed in the “quality of all men”, which means all men are equal.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    “John Locke wrote at length regarding the education of men. Locke believed that a good education was the only way to gain influence and powerful men achieved their position due to the education they had received” (History Hit) John Locke's idea introduced natural rights for everyone.He wrote at an easy level so everyone could read, because most slaves had no education. They wanted slaves of lower education so they couldn't escape. The goal of his writing was to ensure all slaves could be free.
  • Indigenous People of the Island

    Indigenous People of the Island
    “ The island’s indigenous population, forced to mine for gold, was devastated by European diseases and brutal working conditions, and by the end of the 16th century the people had virtually vanished. “. (Britannica) They were forced to mine gold and were exhausted. Europe also brought disease which started killing the peoples. Rousseau introduced the social contract, which states that people can rebel against their government if they feel what they are doing is wrong.
  • Death of Slaves

    Death of Slaves
    "Slaves endured long, backbreaking workdays and often died from injuries, infections, and tropical diseases. Malnutrition and starvation also were common.”(Britannica) They were not being fed enough, they had nothing to help with their injuries or sickness and they wanted to rebel. The enlightenment idea from Montesquieu, was to share power between three groups so people wouldn't go over in power. The government of haitian was overtaken by the french had to much power and
  • Death of Slaves 2

    Death of Slaves 2
    caused the french to have more power and forced them to become slaves.
  • Charles Montesquieu

    Charles Montesquieu
    “The Enlightenment heavily influenced the French Revolution. Charles Montesquieu, a political philosopher created the idea of separation of power which can be seen in France’s government to this day”(Warren.). They believed the government should be constructed in three parts legislative, executive and judicial. So all parts can make sure they don't over-rise in power. They all do different parts and prevent there from being another monarchy.
  • Escaping of Slaves

    Escaping of Slaves
    “Some slaves managed to escape into the mountainous interior, where they became known as Maroons and fought guerrilla battles against colonial militia.”(Britannica) Raimond believed that all people of color (and not) deserve education, the idea spread across the world. After a while, the people of Haitian started successfully escaping and fought battles against colonial militia.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    “There they came in touch with the ideas of the Enlightenment, notably Rousseau’s concepts that ‘men were born free’ and the social contract that says that laws are only binding when they are supported by ‘the general will of the people." (scholarworks) The people of Haitian wanted equality, after hearing about Rousseau’s ideas of enlightenment. They wanted to insurrect (rebel) against the French. The social contract notes that the people can rebel if they want too and they have rights.
  • Julien Raimond

    Julien Raimond
    “Raimond was an ardent supporter of equal rights among whites and mulattoes in Saint Domingue. After the fall of the Bastille, he...began writing pamphlets in which the influence of the Enlightenment is evident. Many of his writings stated that Africans needed to be taught what freedom and liberty”.(scholarworks) Raimond believed in rights and education for all people no matter their color or power. The people of haitian were inspired by him and him wanting to revolt against the french.
  • Brutality of the Haitian people

    Brutality of the Haitian people
    “The causes of the Haitian Revolution included the affranchis’ frustrated aspirations, the brutality of slave owners, and inspiration from the French Revolution.”(Britannica) They got tired of being slaves and wanted their own lives. They started rebellions and attacked their owners and people interacted with slave owners. Hobbes wanted the freedom and equality of all men to be equal. He brought up the ideas that all people no matter race or age deserve equality.
  • work cited 1

    “Haitian Revolution.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,
  • Work Cited 2

    Tomes, Luke. “10 Key Figures of The Enlightenment.” History Hit, History Hit, 3 Feb. 2021,
  • Work Cited 3

    Nicholson, Rebekah. “The Enlightenment and Its Effects on the Haitian Revolution of 1789-1804.” ScholarWorks@GVSU,,empowered%20them%20to%20become%20agents.
  • Work Cited 4

    “Warren.” The Haitian Revolution,,this%20day%20(French%20Revolution).&text=These%20ideas%20are%20the%20ideas,governments%20are%20based%20on%20today.&text=The%20Enlightenment%20heavily%20influenced%20the,this%20day%20(French%20Revolution).&text=These%20ideas%20are%20the%20ideas,governments%20are%20based%20on%20today.
  • Work Cited 5

    “Thomas Hobbes.”, A&E Networks Television, 21 July 2020,