
  • Aversion Therapy

    Involves associating such stimuli and behavior with a very unpleasant unconditioned stimulus such as an electric shock. The clients learn to associate the undesirable behavior with electric shock.
  • Gestalt Therapy

    Focus on the present moment. The goal is to help the client gain insights that their guilt about the past and worry the future are what cause their suffering. Also focuses on helping clients be themselves instead of trying to be someone else.
  • Systematic Desensitization Therapy

    Developed by Wolpe. This therapy aims to remove the fear response of a phobia, and substitute a relaxation respnse to the conditional stimulus. The patient is taught a deep muscle relaxation technique and breathing exercise. Then to create a fear hierarchy from the least fear to the most. Lastly, the patient works their way up the fear hierarchy.
  • Client- Centered Therapy

    This requires a great rapport between the client and therapist. Actively listening to the client, not using judgement and providing empathy.
  • psychodynamic therapy

    Goal to discover the root of emotional suffering. How dynamics in one's life affect one's current emotional state or psyche.
  • Flooding

    Also known as implosion therapy works by exposing the patient directly to their worst fears. Flooding aims to do is expose the sufferer to the phobic object or situatuion for an extended period of time in a safe and controlled environment.
  • Interpersonal therapy

    Works on resolving a client conflicted interpersonal relationships. A belied that client disorders such as depression are caused in large part by troubled relationships. The client learns skills in communication and conflict resolution.