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Evaluation Of Physical Therapy

  • Only Woman

    Only Woman
    In the year of 1921 the was an organization called the American Woman Physical Therapeutic Associations ; there was 274 members apart of this organization. This wasn't any regular organization this was an only woman organization where only woman were allowed to practice the skill.
  • Finally they're allowed

    Finally they're allowed
    A year later they allowed men to work at the organization and they became the American Physiotherapy Association. With the men joining the membership increased to 3,000 members.
  • The new rules

    The new rules
    In 1936 begin to need two years of education to practice physical therapy.
  • All the new places

    All the new places
    During the 1950's physical therapy became more known in hospitals , public schools , geriatric care facilities , and rehabilitation. As everyone learned more about there body the level of education required changed , a doctoral degree was required for people wanting to become a physical therapist.
  • Dr. Margot Moore

    Dr. Margot Moore
    Dr. Margot Moore helped create a study for physical therapy in Chapel Hill. she created the first physical therapy program at a hospital where she was the chief of the department where she helped others gain knowledge on physical therapy and helped the people get more physical therapist.
  • How it all started

    How it all started
    In the 1900's physical therapy began. Physical therapist helped people recover from polio and helped rehabilitating soldiers that were returning from the very first world war.
  • The DPT program

    Doctorate of physical Therapy programs were offered. DPT is what they called the program. The program became the standard education track by the late 2000's. This program is a 4-year bachelors degree + a 3 years doctoral degree.
  • Needing more well trained physical therapist

    In 1999 we needed more well trained physical therapist ; researchers established the PhD program in human movement science. We now have 1,600 graduates from the program across the U.S , Canada , Asia , India , and Europe.
  • Technology

    In the 2000's technology was finally instroduced to physical therapy and it helped therapist learn new way to help patients recover from injures and restore movement.
  • The new way of physical therapy

    The new way of physical therapy
    Now in 2022 physical therapist have new resurces and better technology to help people. Now that they have the technology they didn't have they are able to help take care of the patients faster and figure out the issue more acculately.