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Theories of the Origin of Life

  • 540 BCE

    Theory of evolution

    Theory of evolution
    Anixamander of Miletus
  • 539 BCE

    Spontaneous Generation

    Spontaneous Generation
  • Creationist

  • Philosophie Zoologique

    Philosophie Zoologique
    Jean-Baptiste Lamark
  • The origin of species

    The origin of species
    Charles Darwin
  • Biogenesis

    Louis Pasteur
  • Panspermia

    Hermann Richter
  • Physical Chemical

    Physical Chemical
    J.B.S. Haldane & A.I. Oparin
  • Endosymbiosis

    Lynn Margulis
  • Asteroid Extinction Theory

    Asteroid Extinction Theory
    Luis and Walter Alvarez
  • Volcanic Extinction Theory

    Volcanic Extinction Theory
    Gerta Keller
  • Conclusion

    This theories helped me understand how has the way of thinking of scientists about the nature of life has changed over the past years. Also how the discovery of new technology and resources helps us to research and propose newer and more accurate theories, because as we have seen the work of decades can be turnt down within a day thanks to evidence and new information. No one knows it all but if the desires for enriching the knowledge are true anyone can achieve a lot of great things.