
Theories of Evolution - Nat Pejoski

By natpej
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    350 BC- The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, studied marine animals and developed an epigenetic model of evolution. He also developed a classification system for all animals.
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    Chinese Beliefs

    Chinese Beliefs
    Chinese thinkers such as Zhuangzi possed the idea that species change overtime. philosophers in China at the time thought that species had developed differing attributes in response to differing environments.This helped evolution in saything that species change over time due to changing enviorments
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    Xenophanes studied fossils and put forth various theories on the evolution of life.
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    520 BC - The Greek philosopher, Anaximander of Miletus, wrote a text called "On Nature" in which he introduced an idea of evolution, stating that life started as slime in the oceans and eventually moved to drier places. He also brought up the idea that species evolved over time.
  • Jan 18, 1260

    Thomas Aquinas

    Thomas Aquinas
    Believed that life could form from non-living creatures and from plants.
  • James Usher

    James Usher
    He strongly reinforced creationism by couting generations of the Bible, he fixed creationism
  • John Ray

    John Ray
    Placed us in the order of primates, very contoveserial for his time. It mneant we were closer to other primates than other animals.
  • Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis

    Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis
    Theorized on the nature of heredity and how new species come into being. He thought that speciation took place by chance events in nature, rather than by spontaneous generation as was believed at the time.
  • Carolus Linnaeus

    Carolus Linnaeus
    leading biological scientidt. He's books are filled with decriotions of plants but little analysis. He was torubled about plants hybirds but stopped short of concluding the plants eveolved
  • Conte De Buffon

    Conte De Buffon
    He was a French mathematician and naturalist, he used living things change through time because of enviroment or even chance.Believed the earth much older than 6,000 years (75,000 years) That human and apes are related.
  • James Hutton

    James Hutton
    Held the belief in iniformitarianism the earth is shaped by events that happen slowly over time
  • Erasmus Darwin

    Erasmus Darwin
    Grandfather to Charles Darwin. (physician,poet + amatuer scientist) He beleived evolution has occured in living things and human. Wasn't sure how it happened.
  • George Cuvier

    George Cuvier
    Largly responsible for making bioligy n distant branhc of science - Didn't agree with hamarck on how evolution happened. First to document extiction of ancient animals. An expert on dinosaurs
  • Jean-Baptiste Chevalier De Lamarck

    Jean-Baptiste Chevalier De Lamarck
    First to publicly state that evolution was happening. His theory was wrong
  • Charles Lyell

    Charles Lyell
    Lawyer + geologist - decided catastrophism theory was wrong. Slover progressive changes in earth, decided Earth must be very old
  • Alfred Russel Wallace

    Alfred Russel Wallace
    Had the same theories as Darwin and worked with him on their finding's
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    English naturalist, he established all species of life desended from their ancestory's. Most influential figure in human history
  • Scope Monkey Trials

    It was a case in wich high school science teacher "john scopes", violated tennesse's butler act made it unlawful to teach evolution.
  • Origin of species

    Has evidence of evolution it overcame earlier concepts of transmutation of species
  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    Father of genetics, he studied the inheritance of traits in pea plants. He read Darwins book "Origin of Species"