Cesare Beccaria
Cesare Beccaria was a classical theorist who focused on punishments for crimes and said that all people should get the same punishmentfor the same crime. He said that everyone is bored equal so anyone who committs an offence shoul be punished the same. Cesare said that the punishments that were being given out weren'y harsh enough compared to the crimes that were being committed. He also saw that committingthe crime was worth it because the punishments weren't harsh enough. -
Classical Theory - Affects on Criminal Justice System
As the punishments are to be a lot harsher, meaning longer prision sentences, then the prisons need to be adapted so that theyfit all the prisoners in. -
Classical Theory
Classical theory is based on the idea that when a human commits a crime, it is just for their self interest and they do it out of free will. When they commit the crime they aren't scared of the punishments because there are not serious punishments for them which encourages them to commit more crime. Punishments for crimes weren't slear and they would vary for the same offence. -
Classical Theory Contol Methods
There has been a number of crime control methods suggest such as equal punishments so that everyone who commits the same offeence will get punished the same. Harsher punishments need to be applied for more serious offences so it reduces the amount of people committig them as now they know they will be punished for it. Also all the punishments that are given out need to take effect immediately so they are not able to commit anothe crime. -
Voluntarism - Crime Control Methods
The crime control method put in place was to ensure that the punishments were a lot harsher so it would deter people from committing the crime. -
Voluntarism - Affects on Criminal Jusice System
Similar to the classical theory, as punishemts will be a long harsher meaning longer prison sentences then prisons need to be adapted so that they have the correct facilities for all the prisoners. -
This is the theory that everyone who commits crime knows it the wrong thing to do however chooses to commit that crime. They will look at the benefits of commiting the crime and decide whether it is the right decision to commit the crime. It says that the punishments given should be a detterant and should stop people committing crime.
The rich people weren't happy with the laws put in place because then they were being treated the same as the poor people and were getting the same punishments. -
This theory looks at the wider life of the criminal to see if there are any other factor that led them to commit crime. It looks at their upbringing, their mental state and is also closley linked to biological theory. -
Positivism - Crime Control Methods
The crime control for positivism is mainly looking at treating the person as they believe they did it due to their mental health. Also psychologists look at the childs genetics to see if they can se any possiblity that they will commit crime. For example people with XYY syndrome tend to be more violent therefore may commit a crime. Also instead of keeping prisoners in prison they would keep them in mental institutions to give them treatment. -
Positivism - Affects on Criminal Justice System
As they will be keepignt the prisoners in mental institutions, then there will have to be more trained staff and more medication which will all cost the government money. However this will free up space in prisons. -
Biological Theory
This theory looks at whether a person was bron a criminal. Lombroso's study looked at facial features of soemone to determine whether they looked like a criminal. Crime methods such as studies beign carried to look at whether people with certain facial features were actually criminals. -
Determinism Theory
This theory looks at people who commit crime becuase they have no control over what they are doing. It looks at helping the offenders rather than punishing them for the crime. -
Determinism - Crime Control Methods
Rather than putting the person in prison, they looked at trying to treat them. If they served the prison sentence, when they were released, they may commit another offence. This is why they should be treated in rebahilitaion or in mental institutions so that when they have been treated, they are ess likelt to reoffend. This crime control method is similar to them in positivism. -
Determinism - Affects on Criminal Justice System
Similar to positivism, there will bea high cost to send people to rehabilitation and mental hospitals. Also if they don't work for the offender then it was a waste of money and they will have to find an alternative. Although there will be more rom in prisons, they will still be spending money on sending people to standard prisons. -
Interactionism Theory
This theory looks at how people interact with society and how people are stereotyoed. When people have been steoreotyped they feel like they have to live up to that staus which makes them commit crime. This is what Howard Becker believed. However this is hard to prove. -
Interactionism - Crime Control Methods
David Cameron introduced the 'Zero Tolerance Policy' after the London riots which enabled a 'tough on crime' approach. -
Left Realism
This looked at family values rather than poverty. They believe that classes should be trated differently as they commit differnt types of crimes. They also want harsher longer punishments which have come into afffect today. -
Right Realism
This looks at communities looing ou for each other and the community itslef to ensure that crime figures stay low in that area. Wilsons broken window theory shows that communities should tackle the small crime before the crime escalates and gets worse. His theory has come into force as now there in neighbourhood watch in force which allows the community to look after their community a lot easier and prevents crime. -
This thoery aims to look after the victims as well as punishing the offenders. There are more CCTV camera in operation to prevent crime from happening and to help catch the offender quicker. -
Right Realism replacing Positivism
Although the control methods from positivism helped a small amout, people were still reoffending, plus it was costing a lot of money. Instead, Realism were trying to prevent the crimes happening instead of dealing with it afterit had already happened. They did ths by using CCTV to make people think beofre commiting crimes. -
Restorative Justice
This is when the offender and victim meet to try to get ther best outcoem for both of them. It is used to help the victim undertand why the offender commited the crime and also so the offender can see how much damage they have done to the victim. This may make them think about their actions.