Theology Timeline

  • 4000 BCE


    God created the world in 6 days.
    1st Day: Light
    2nd Day: The Sky
    3rd Day: The ground
    4th Day: The moon, stars, night
    5th Day: Birds, sea creatures
    6th Day: Land animals, and humans
    7th Day: God rested
  • 2500 BCE

    The Great Flood

    The Great Flood
    God speaks to Noah and warns him that He will flood the Earth. Noah then builds an ark, puts 2 of each animal, then waits for the flood.
  • 1898 BCE

    Joseph sold into slavery

    Joseph sold into slavery
    Joseph's brothers sold Joseph into slavery.
  • 1886 BCE

    The seven years of plenty begin

    The seven years of plenty begin
    For seven years there would be a great harvest but after those years there would be another 7 years of hunger.
  • 1407 BCE

    The Bronze Snake

    The Bronze Snake
    Moses saves his people from a serpent from God, who sent it because of their lack of faith.
  • 1406 BCE

    Death of Moses

    Death of Moses
    Moses dies on Mt. Nobu close to the promised land after wandering through the desert.
  • 1043 BCE

    Saul becomes king

    Saul becomes king
    The 12 nations, in hopes of becoming strengthening the Hebrew resistance, made Saul king.
  • 1024 BCE

    David kills Goliath

    David kills Goliath
    With only a slingshot, David bravely struck down Goliath and killed him.
  • 1010 BCE

    Saul and his sons killed

    Saul and his sons killed
    The Philistines fought and killed Saul's sons Jonathon, Abinidab, and Mahlki-Shua
  • 539 BCE

    Daniel is thrown into the lion's den

    Daniel is thrown into the lion's den
    When the king was tricked into making a law stating if you pray to God you would be thrown into a lion's den. Even with that law released Daniel still prayed and eventually got thrown into the lion's den.