Roosevelts Born
Roosevelt was born in Manhatten and was born to a wealthy family. He was homeschooled and then grew up to later go to and graduate from Harvard in 1880 -
Roosevelts returns a war Hero
some people call the spanish war pointless but the secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt steps up and takes immediate action to call to admiral dewy and tell him about the war making him a hero because they were able to evade the oncoming attack. -
Theodore moves up to presidency
The 25th president of the United States was shot and fatally wounded in which Roosevelt was elected and took up presidency. -
energy crisis
President Thoedore Roosevelt calls a meeting about the coal strike in the coal fields of Pennsilvania threatened a coal famine.Theodore put an end to the strike. -
Elkins Act
The Elkins Act gave federal courts the power to amend the Interstate Commerce act of 1887 and it was also passed as a law by the 57th congress and signed by president Roosevelt. -
The president and Muir camped on this night and Muir had a disscussion about preserving wildelife and Roosevelt agrees to it as well as pass it as a bill in June 1906. -
first full term as president
Roosevelt earns 4 more years winning the election following the previous immediate precidency that was ganted to him after nckinly was shot and killed moving him up from VP to President. -
Pure Food and Drug act of 1906
The start of the food and drug act started it own revolution in the food market and industialized the meat quality and pill safty by an exponential amount. -
Devil's Tower
Theodore Roosevelt names this as te first national monument. Also known as Bears lodge, the tower is considered a sacred worship site by many Native Americans who leave colorful prayer cloths tied to trees near its base -
To Africa
declines running again for presidency in 1908 and when taft got elected in 1909 he went into that darkest parts of Africa where he collected over 1100 specimens. -
Bull Moose
Roosevelt gets shot and later recovers from only a flesh wound and goes onto deliver his speech and says it takes more than that to kill a bull moose giving it that name. and later was beaten by democrat Woodrow Wilson.