Elected president

Theodore Roosevelt Timeline

  • Theodore Roosevelt is born

    Theodore Roosevelt is born
    Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City.
  • Returns from the Spanish-American War as a hero

    Returns from the Spanish-American War as a hero
    He was Assisstant Secretary of the Navy, he beat the war and led the Navy for the war with Spain.
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes President after McKinley was assassinated

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes President after McKinley was assassinated
    William McKinley is assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt takes his place because at the time he was president.
  • Elkins Act is Passed

    Elkins Act is Passed
    The Elkins Act ammended the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887. This outlawed the practice of rebates, which was the cash refunds of freight charges. Railroad companies were now protected.
  • Pelican Island, Florida is named First National Wildfire Refuge

    Pelican Island, Florida is named First National Wildfire Refuge
    Island set aside so there isn't an extinction of birds which were used for their feathers in the fashion industry. It was forbidden to kill birds from this island.
  • Theodore Roosevelt wins Full Term as President

    Theodore Roosevelt wins Full Term as President
    Won Presidential campaign and was emphizied by the republicans for his success in foreign affairs and his passion on preventing monopolies through businesses.
  • Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act
    This Act was passed to help decrease health problems and help provide a clean products that haven't been tampered with deadly chemicals.
  • Devils Tower, Wyoming, Named First National Mounument

    Devils Tower, Wyoming, Named First National Mounument
    First National Mounument declared by President Roosevelt.
  • Yosemite Under Federal Control

    Yosemite Under Federal Control
    There was a discovery of gold in the National Park and the government took control over it,
  • Leaves Presidency and Visits Africa

    Leaves Presidency and Visits Africa
    Landed in Mambasa with his son Kermit. He headed to the Safari with 250 Porters and Guides. He went there to collect specimens for the Smithsonian Collection after Taft's inauguration.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    Members of the OAPEC proclaimed an oil embargo. Oil prices went sky rocketing and its costs were high because there was not enough oil.