Theodore Roosevelt

  • Birth

    Theodore Roosevelt was born
  • Returns a war hero

    Returns a war hero
    Spanish-American war ends, Roosevelt returns as a war hero with the Rough Riders and was soon elected as governor of New York in 1898
  • McKinley assassinated; Roosevelt named President

    McKinley assassinated; Roosevelt named President
    Roosevelt was the current Vice President; once McKinley was assassinated, Roosevelt was appointed as President
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    After coal miners become furious, they walk out on strike; others later join them on June 2nd, 1902; ends on October 23rd, 1902; lasted 163 days
  • Signed the Elkins Act

    Signed the Elkins Act
    Amended Interstate Commerce Act of 1887; forced heavy fines on railroads
  • Pelican Island

    Pelican Island
    First national wildlife refugee in the United States; Roosevelt believed in conserving wildlife; Protected egrets and other birds from becoming extinct due to plume hunting
  • Yosemite

    After an agreement between Roosevelt and John Muir came to an agreement, discussion prompted the Presidential signature on the Yosemite Recession Bill in June 1906; put under federal protection
  • Roosevelt wins 1st full term

    Roosevelt wins 1st full term
    After being named President following the assassination of McKinley, Roosevelt was re-elected in the 1904 election to win his first official voted term as President
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    Ensured all products were labeled correctly; signed by Roosevelt on June 23rd and went into effect on June 30th
  • Devil's Tower

    Devil's Tower
    Roosevelt designates Devil's Tower as the FIRST of many to come national monuments
  • Leaves office and goes to Africa

    Leaves office and goes to Africa
    Taft elected president in 1908; left office and went on safari in Africa
  • Runs again with Bull Moose Party

    Runs again with Bull Moose Party
    After a safari in Africa, Roosevelt returned and he decided to join the Progressive party, aka the Bull Moose Party; he was unsuccessful and lost to Wilson in the 1912 election