Theodore Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy: 1901-1908

  • William McKinley Assassinated; Roosevelt Sworn In

    Having served in many political positions, such as Assistant Secretary of the Navy and New York Governor, McKinley appointed Roosevelt as vice-president. This led to Roosevelt taking office after McKinley's assassination.
  • Panaminian Independence

    Roosevelt supported a Central American canal that would connect both Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and when negotiations with Colombia fell through, he became willing to support revolutionists who were fighting for an independent country. By sending troops, weapons, and money, Roosevelt helped Panama become an independent nation. In return, US Army Corps of Engineers were allowed to begin building the Panama Canal.
  • Panama Canal Treaty Signed

    This treaty was the official agreement between newly-founded Panama and the US in regards to the Canal. If negotiations had not fallen through with Colombia, there might have been a Colombia Canal instead.
  • Roosevelt Elected in His Own Right (1904 Presidential Election)

    In this election, Roosevelt defeated his opponent Alton B. Parker by nearly 200 electoral votes. His commitment to "trust-busting" and carrying on with McKinley's domestic policies can be accredited to his winning this election.
  • Roosevelt Corollary Declared

    The Roosevelt Corollary was added to the Monroe Doctrine which states the US can intervene with international affairs if a weaker country is being preyed upon by a stronger nation. This corollary was declared in response to European countries sending their respective navies to Central and South America in order to have their debts settled.
  • Portsmouth Treaty Signed

    This treaty ended the Russo-Japanese War, and made Japan a world power. Allegedly Japan had signed the Taft-Katsura Agreement in July, which gave Japan control over Korea in return for American dominance over the Philippines. This treaty changed the course of international relations and caused the US to have an overseas empire for the first time in American History.
  • Roosevelt Resolves Conflict Between Morocco, France, and Spain

    Following the Portsmouth Treaty, Roosevelt again brokered peace between Morocco and, France and Spain. This event is often thought to have delayed World War I by a decade and probably helped Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Roosevelt Wins Nobel Peace Prize

    Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the peace he brokered between Japan and Russia.
  • Great White Fleet Sent on World Tour

    This was an outward expression of Roosevelt's "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick" approach to foreign policy. Sending this fleet showed American military might to countries across the world.
  • Roosevelt Defeated by Woodrow Wilson (1908 Presidential Election)

    After twovterms, Roosevelt was defeated by Democratic- nominee Woodrow Wilson.