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Theodore Roosevelt

  • Birth

    Theodore Roosevelt is born in New York City to Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and Martha Bulloch Roosevelt.
  • War Hero

    War Hero
    Returns from the Spanish American War a hero after leading the Rough Riders to victory.
  • Presidency

    Roosevelt is named president after William McKinley is assasinated.
  • Teddy

    Roosevelt spares a bear cub while out on a hunting trip, and the nickname "Teddy" and the Teddy Bear come as a result.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    The Coal Strike of 1902 left the country with a dwindling supply of fuel, and Roosevelt decided to intervene, inviting both sides to settle the dispute.
  • Pelican Island

    Pelican Island
    Pelican Island in Florida becomes the first nation wildlife refuge after being brought to Roosevelt's attention by concerned naturalists Frank Chapman and William Dutcher.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    The Elkins Act is passed, giving the ICC more power to fight the railroad industry. Companies could now be fined for the use of rebates, which had been a way to work the system prior.
  • Victorious Campaign

    Victorious Campaign
    Roosevelt runs for a full term and recieves 336 electoral votes, winning the presidency and being the first to do so after ascending from VP to President beforhand.
  • Conservation

    Yosemite comes under federal control, and Devil's Tower in Wyoming becomes the first national monument.
  • Progress in Industry

    Progress in Industry
    The Pure Food and Drug Act is passed, requiring truth in labels for products.
  • Africa

    After serving his term, Roosevelt goes to Africa and claims many trophies during his safari.
  • Fear the Bull Moose

    Fear the Bull Moose
    Frustrated by Taft's poor leadership and betrayal of the Progressives, Roosevelt decides to run again as a Progressive, backed by the Bull Moose Party. However, he is unsuccessful, only gaining 88 electoral votes.