Sep 13, 1300
in the 1300 the rennisance begins in italy city/states such as florence milan, and mantua -
Sep 26, 1324
pilgramage to mecca
Mali king mansa musa makes a pilgrimmage to mecca refermation -
Sep 26, 1368
ming dynasty founded
Hong Wa founds Ming Dynasty in china rennaisance -
Sep 27, 1400
italian artist
italian artists redescoverd perspective rennaisance -
Sep 26, 1405
chinese explorer begins to explore
chinese explorer Zhenghe begins exploreation of asia and africa refnaissance -
Sep 26, 1434
medica family takes over
medica family takes control over florence -
Sep 26, 1453
ottoman turks
ottoman captures constaninople refermation -
Sep 29, 1455
gutenberg bible printed in mainz refermation -
Sep 27, 1464
cosimo De Medica
Cosimo De Medici died but his family still continued to make money rennaisance -
Sep 27, 1469
Lorenzo de medici came to power -
Sep 27, 1492
Columbus reaches the americans -
Sep 27, 1501
sculted the statue of david rennesance -
Sep 27, 1504
divence painted the monilica rennesaince -
Sep 27, 1508
painted school of athens. rennesance -
Sep 27, 1517
Martin luther
Martin Luther begins reformation in whittenberg refermation -
Sep 27, 1526
Babur establishes empire
babar establishes empire in india refermation -
Sep 27, 1534
Henry VIII
Henry VII starts england church refermation -
Jan 1, 1543
The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
On The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres was decacated to Pope Paul III, to protect him from vilification.In the book Copernicus wrote about how the earth revoled around sun, the heliocentric theory, not the other way around like it was believed. scientific revolution -
Sep 27, 1563
council of trent
council of trent mandates reforms in catholic church refermation -
Jan 1, 1564
William shakesphere
William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in all of history. He is famous for many plays that he has written. He is imporant to study because he understood humanity well and wrote extraordinary plays rennasissance -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes Kepler born
Johannes Kepler who was born in 1571, would make some very important events in the Scientific Revolution.He would make the three laws of planetary motion.And he also published many books like Astronomia Nova and Harmonices Mundi, where he stated his first two laws in the former, and the third in the latter.
scientific revolution scientific revolution -
Aug 23, 1572
St. Barholomew's Day Massacre
Was a targeted group of assassinations, followed by a wave of Roman Catholic mob violence, both directed against the Huguenots (French Calvinist Protestants), during the French Wars of Religion
absolute monarchs -
Signing of the edict of Nantes
This granted the Calvinist Protestants of France (also known as Huguenots) substantial rights in a nation still considered essentially Catholic. absolute monarchs -
renaissance ends
The Renaissance ends and the moern age begans. Renaissance -
Kepler publishes Astronomia Nova
Astronomia Nova is published by John Kepler as a result of his ten year study of the motion of Mars. The book itself is in five parts each one about the movement of planets. scientific revolution -
Galileo's telescope
Galileo made a telescope with increasingly higher magnifying power than any other.The telescope allowed him to be the first to see the craters of the moon and the four moons that orbited Jupiter.He would later write a book about what he saw with his telescope. scientific revolution -
Galileo publishes Starry Messanger
the first book to be published about observations made through a telescope, those observations were made by Galileo. scientific revolution -
Kepler publishes Harmonice Mundi
square of the orbital period of any planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of the planet's orbit. scientific revolution -
Cardinal Richelieu appointed
Richelieu soon rose in both the Catholic Church and the French government, becoming a Cardinal in 1622, and King Louis XIII's chief minister in 1624. He remained in office until his death in 1642; he was succeeded by Cardinal Mazarin, whose career he fostered -
Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief Systems of the World published by Galieo
The book compares the Copernican system with the traditional Ptolemaic system scientific revolution -
Trial of Galileo
Dialogues on the Two Chief Systems of the World, the Cathloic Church thought that it showed a supicion of heresy so they put him on trial. scientific revolution -
Two New Sciences is published
Two New Sciences is published by Galileo about the laws of motion. scientific revolution -
Restoration of English Crown
monarchy began in 1660 when the English, Scottish and Irish monarchies were all restored under Charles II after the Interregnum that followed the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. The term Restoration may apply both to the actual event by which the monarchy was restored, and to the period immediately following the event. -
Louis XIV assumes full control of France
He inherited the most powerful country in Eurpoe and expanded his power throughout his life. He was also immensely popular, -
Reign of Louis XIV
Louis commenced his personal reign with administrative and fiscal reforms. In 1661, the treasury verged on bankruptcy. -
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica is published by Newton
Newton's mathematical theory of motion under centripetal forces, and the ones stated by Galileo and Huygens are different because Newton's was genertic. Galileo and Huygen's focused on only one time type of force, while Newton's covers not only forces that vary in one way, but forces that way in other ways. scientific revolution -
Glorious Revolution
also called the Revolution of 1688, was the overthrow of King James II of England in 1688 by a union of English Parliamentarians with an invading army led by the Dutch stadtholder William III of Orange-Nassau (William of Orange) who, as a result, ascended the English throne as William III of England together with his wife Mary II of England. -
English Bill of Rights.
The Bill of Rights is an act of the Parliament of England, the long title of which is "An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown". It is often called the English Bill of Rights. absolute monarch -
Reign of Maria Theresa
Emperor Francis I died on 18 August 1765, while he and the court were in Innsbruck celebrating the wedding of his second son, Leopold. Maria Theresa was devastated. Their eldest son, Joseph, became Holy Roman Emperor. Maria Theresa abandoned all ornamentation, had her hair cut short, painted her rooms black and dressed in mourning for the rest of her life. She completely withdrew from court life, public events, and theater.
absolute monarch