Themes in World History - LL

  • Period: 1894 BCE to 539 BCE

    Babylonian Kingdom

  • 1750 BCE

    Hammurabi - GOVERNMENT

    Hammurabi - GOVERNMENT
    A ruler must instill fairness within their community by curating a list of strict laws that are based on one's social standing. These laws must grant rights to all social standings, but the consequences for violating such laws varies upon class. By creating these laws by the power of God, a ruler will successfully lead their people towards a more stable and respected community.
  • 800 BCE

    Lycurgus - GOVERNMENT

    Lycurgus - GOVERNMENT
    It is important that the leaders enforce their desired rules and the citizens should obey and respect such laws. In order to enforce these rules, leaders must lead by example while relying on the gods to build a powerful government that society will follow with no questions.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 476

    Ancient Rome

  • Period: 650 BCE to 371 BCE

    Classical Spartan Period

  • Period: 480 BCE to 404 BCE

    Athenian Golden Age

  • 431 BCE

    Pericles - GOVERNMENT

    Pericles - GOVERNMENT
    All social standing should be represented when concerning a direct democracy. A leader should desire the direct opinion of their citizens; however, the definition of citizen should be limited to those who represent our community the best.
  • 350 BCE

    Aristotle - EQUALITY

    Aristotle - EQUALITY
    Our world naturally gravitates to prejudice that sets us apart from one another. This forms a natural hierarchy that we should embrace rather than suppress--causing society to improve.
  • Period: 202 BCE to 9

    Han Dynasty in China

  • 100 BCE

    Wu of Han - GOVERNMENT

    Wu of Han - GOVERNMENT
    A ruler is provided the Mandate of Heaven and must take advantage of their power to instill a community where the people will submit and cultivate unity. The three things that a ruler must incorporate into their ruling are the characteristics of heaven, earth, an humankind. By giving their citizens the materials they need to survive they represent heaven. However, the materialistic must be balanced out with the subjective elements of ruling through earth and humankind.
  • 100 BCE

    Polybius - GOVERNMENT

    Polybius - GOVERNMENT
    A multifaceted government is imperative for a successful environment. Government is not a black and white concept; instead, it should encompass all the good qualities of every government to adequately represent all sides and ensure a more balanced environment. By engaging in a monarchy, aristocracy, and a democracy simultaneously, checks and balances form and allows each division to contribute in some form to the government.
  • 42 BCE

    Hortensia - GENDER

    Hortensia - GENDER
    "Women have not crossed you and have fought by your side, but we will not support a civil war for a country that provides us no representation."
  • Period: 661 to 750

    Umayyad Caliphate

  • 1169

    Ibn Rushd - GENDER

    Ibn Rushd - GENDER
    "If women are not nurtured to pursue the same opportunities as men and are subjected to becoming housewives, they will never become warriors."
  • Period: 1169 to 1195

    Almohad Caliphate

  • 1200

    Muawiyah - GOVERNMENT

    Muawiyah - GOVERNMENT
    A good ruler should strive to leave their followers in awe of their power. By displaying your power, those around you know what you're worth. However, there should come an end where you understand the limits of your power to display humility. By appealing to your people and connecting with them, they learn to respect and honor your name. As this develops, obedience and unity ensues, allowing the ruled to find inspiration in deserving leaders.
  • Period: 1206 to 1294

    Mongol Empire

  • 1247

    Genghis Khan - EQUALITY

    Genghis Khan - EQUALITY
    The Mongols are a superior community that should hold authority over all other states despite social class. Within Mongol society, we equally value one another and treat each other with respect. Class differences do not affect this mutual respect we share for one another. However, a hierarchy is still essential to the function of the Mongols. We differentiate our society through objective means. Who owns the most animals? Those people are on top of our social pyramid.
  • Period: 1438 to 1572

    Inca Empire

  • Period: 1517 to

    European Reformation

  • 1540

    Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui - EQUALITY

    Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui - EQUALITY
    A social hierarchy is necessary for the organization of the Incas, however the same duties must be expected from each social class. No one is excused from their responsibilities, the wealthy must work just as hard as the poor. The only benefit the wealthy receives is the authority of the title. Equal expectations must be employed within a hierarchy to prevent citizens from slacking off with their contributions.
  • 1575

    Queen Nzinga of Ndongo - GENDER

    Queen Nzinga of Ndongo - GENDER
    "You can try and attack me with force, but that is bound to result in failure. Instead, negotiate with me, use your words. I will fulfill your requests only through this--and if not, I will fight with just as much, if not more, strength."
  • Period: 1575 to

    Portuguese Empire in Africa

  • Elizabeth I of England - GENDER

    Elizabeth I of England - GENDER
    "I have made it my mission to protect this country. Just because I am a woman does not mean that I do not have the determination of a man--I am just like any man."
  • Period: to

    Edo Period in Japan

  • Tokugawa Ieyasu - EQUALITY

    Tokugawa Ieyasu - EQUALITY
    A hierarchy is essential to pursuing success, but we shouldn't diminish the importance of the lower classes, who form the backbone of our community. Equal respect must be established because the lower class' hard work is essential to how our society functions. Through organized hierarchy, we can achieve our goals more efficiently with the unique contributions of every social class.
  • Period: to

    Romanov Dynasty Rules Russia

  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty in China

  • Period: to

    Reign of Louis XIV


    A ruler is meant to rule with passion and ensure that their people reflect the beliefs of a ruler chosen by God. By promoting strict rules and strict consequences, the ruler sets the standard. The ruled can think what they want, that is not something the ruler can control; however, the ruled must not create tangible evidence that showcases their oppositions to a ruler. So long as they do not talk or do anything that goes against a ruler's say, the ruled have fulfilled their duty.
  • Period: to

    European Enlightenment

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Czar Catherine the Great - GENDER

    Czar Catherine the Great - GENDER
    "I will continue to rule in honor of the enlightenment ideas--with the goal of justice and equality. Instead of attempting to surpass the stigmas associated with my gender, I will prove myself by ruling in spite of it--proving that any woman can do what a man does."
  • Mary Wollstonecraft - GENDER

    Mary Wollstonecraft - GENDER
    "Women are no longer permitted to be a tool for men. We aren't made to appease men and are capable of being our own person. Women, I ask you to please not allow you to subject yourselves to the empty promises of a man. Instead, focus on yourself."
  • Karl Marx - EQUALITY

    Karl Marx - EQUALITY
    We should start to work towards a government and economy that enforces unanimous equality across the entire public. Through this type of government, communism, humanity will thrive as we abolish the bourgeoisie, a super power that has enforced inequality throughout the ages.
  • Roger Taney - EQUALITY

    Roger Taney - EQUALITY
    Based off American history, a racial hierarchy has been established--belittling the African race and placing white citizens at the top. Enslaved blacks will thrive in being enslaved; therefore, they are often not included in language within documents like the Declaration of Independence. Due to human biology, racial circumstances will naturally ensure a hierarchy continues.
  • Period: to

    First Wave Feminism

  • Period: to

    European Imperialism

  • Period: to

    British Rule in Egypt

  • Andrew Carnegie - EQUALITY

    Andrew Carnegie - EQUALITY
    A hierarchy is the reality of our society, but how we manage the way the impact of these hierarchies is something we can control. The rich should not work to encourage a gap between the classes. Within a capitalist economy, it is imperative for the rich to engage in philanthropy to support the unwealthy. We should be working to recognize the privilege the wealthy has and build up the lower classed in our society.
  • Qiu Jin - GENDER

    Qiu Jin - GENDER
    "It is has never been fair to subject women to these detrimental beauty standards to appease society's expectations. Instead of pulling them down, it's time to nurture them into becoming more knowledgeable. They are capable of becoming more that just a beautiful housewife."
  • Violet Carruthers - GENDER

    Violet Carruthers - GENDER
    "Humanity should be less focused on equality, for it will soon prove to be detrimental to our progress. Instead of hyper fixating on equality, turn to a more complementarian philosophy. All talents are worth the same value, so embrace what you are destined for and society will benefit from your compliance."
  • Huda Sha'arawi - GENDER

    Huda Sha'arawi - GENDER
    Women are just as capable of fulfilling the same duties as men. We can let down our hair and work and rule alongside our so called "superiors." Educate the youth, including our young girls, and you'll see just how capable women are.
  • Una Marson - GENDER

    Una Marson - GENDER
    "My fellow colleagues, I come to you today to ask for your aid on a topic us women are all familiar with, social injustice in regards to suffrage. I have had the pleasure of witnessing my sex thrive following the instillation of women's suffrage. However, due to my intersectionality, black people have not had that privilege, and it pains me to see it. I hope that you will help guide them to success in the same way that we were granted with."
  • B.R. Ambedkar - EQUALITY

    B.R. Ambedkar - EQUALITY
    A hierarchy has only belittled the Dalits, the lowest class in the Hindu caste system. Instead of dealing with this problem and attempting to reform the Hindu religion, we should just avoid the religion all together. I suggest that we convert to Buddhism and start fresh without such a strict caste system set in place. If India can divert from this system through conversion, the Dalits will receive the appreciation they deserve.
  • Period: to

    Nation of India

  • Nelson Mandela - EQUALITY

    Nelson Mandela - EQUALITY
    A racially based hierarchy is one that will only diminish the successes of our world today. When we build a hierarchy based off of apartheid, we will only make the rich richer and the poor poorer. By segregating the races, we will lose the valuable integration of ideas that comes out of intermingling. If we were to integrate on open mindset into our world view, the thought of abolishing apartheid and pursuing equality becomes more appealing.
  • Period: to

    Apartheid Rule in South Africa

  • Malcolm X - EQUALITY

    Malcolm X - EQUALITY
    An eye for an eye is a philosophy that I live by. The African race has faced enough violence and prejudice in the past, and it is our time to revolt. As African Americans, we must gather together and proclaim our importance to this nation. We should not be shy in doing so; the only way to pursue equality is to fight violence with violence to be heard.
  • Lyndon Johnson - EQUALITY

    Lyndon Johnson - EQUALITY
    America must encourage equal opportunity, a necessary development needed to combat the effects of poverty. By providing all citizens with improved health care, jobs, schooling, homes, training, etc, then we can begin bridging that foundational gap between classes. The influence of socioeconomic status and race on social standing should be diminished; instead, America should strive to suppress prejudice and employ the same freedoms for all.
  • Period: to

    Indira Gandhi Prime Minister of India

  • Indira Gandhi - GOVERNMENT

    Indira Gandhi - GOVERNMENT
    A democracy is not defined by literature and an objective perception of knowledge. Instead what encourages a successful government is leading with wisdom gained from experience and involvement in culture. By having an understanding for the world around you, you can assist a government to elevate socioeconomic status or other underlying issues. You are responsible for your own involvement, so no matter the circumstance, you are able to contribute valuable thoughts to a democracy.
  • Period: to

    Khmer Rouge Regime

  • Pol Pot - EQUALITY

    Pol Pot - EQUALITY
    To thrive, we should engage in an egalitarian community. We can do so by setting the same opportunities and expectations for both men and women. If we do this, then our society will gain an upward trajectory in their quality of life by being provided a happy and prosperous environment.