thematic timeline assignment

  • Beaumont Hamel

    Newfoundland went into battle at Beaumont Hamel on 1 July 1916 . They made a mistake and they were attacked through uncut barbed wire.There they were hit with heavy machine gun fire. there were originally 801 but 324 of them died or went missing and 386 were injured within 30 minutes.
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge started on Easter morning April 9, 1917 and ended on April 12, 1917. Canadians won The Battle of Vimy Ridge against the Germans. The battle resulted in 3,598 Canadians dying, and 7,000 getting hurt during the battle.
  • Military Voters Act ( the woman's right to vote during the war)

    Military Voters Act ( the woman's right to vote during the war)
    Due to an upcoming election they had a big problem, most of the voters were off at war and nobody was going to bring them home just to vote, so they had to come up with a plan. the government had to change election rules, women were finally allowed to vote. Some could vote for the first time where other women lost there vote due to their race, it's sad that it only happened because of men not being there but it was still a big step forward for women.
  • Illegal Alcohol

    Illegal Alcohol
    In Canada crime rates were rising and men were getting drunk and arrested. they worked and when they got their pay they would go out and spend it all on alcohol and come home drunk with no pay. As a result the government made alcohol illegal. This didn't make the crime rate drop though it made it rise with people just finding their way around the law and found loopholes. After this the government had to revoke the alcohol ban.
  • Spanish Influenza Epidemic

    The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic was the worst pandemic in recent history. There's no saying where it started but it spread worldwide. It's estimated that 500 million people were infected with the virus and 50 million deaths occured.
  • The Hundred Days

    The last 100 days of World War One. The Canadian’s contributions on the westernfront made it Canada's Hundred Days. German forces were driven back and defeated by artillery, airpower, machine guns, mortars, chemical weapons, and armoured vehicles, by the Candian forces.
  • After the war

    After the war, Britain stayed in Turkey but the people in Turkey attacked them. The British soldiers sent out a request for Canada to send out men to help them, but Prime Minister Mackenzie King declined their request. This event helped Canada make its own decisions and become an independent country. Then they decided not to be as loyal to Britain anymore.
  • Stock market crash

    In late October 1929, the North American stock crashed. It was called “The Great Crash” and was followed by the great depression. Many people had to go without food, water, entertainment, homelessness increased, and the international trade collapsed.