Thematic Timeline, Technological and Scientific developments in Canada from 1914 to 1929

  • Sonar

    Sonar technology was first invented in 1915 by Canadian Reginald Fessenden, as a way to locate animals and objects in the water through the reflection of sound waves. This technology was used during WW1 by the Royal Canadian Navy for convoy escorts and anti-submarine activities. As a result of the technological advances of Sonar, it has allowed us to develop dramatically over the years, “(Sonar) was even more helpful by World War II, and is still used on military vessels today.” (Ross, 2013).
  • Invention of the Gas Mask

    Invention of the Gas Mask
    The first gas mask was invented in 1915 by Dr. Cluny MacPherson during WW1. It was made to protect the Canadian soldiers against German chlorine gas attacks, “As the frequency and concentration of gas attacks grew, the technology needed to change” (Colton Kruse, 2018). The invention saved countless soldiers permanent damage from said gas that would burn their lungs and/or throat.
  • Ross Rifle

    Ross Rifle
    The Canadian Ross Rifle was in service and used by the Canadian Army throughout the First World War in 1916. The Rifle was manufactured as an alternative to the British Lee-Enfield rifle, the Canadian government was said to be “enthusiastic about the idea of having a rifle produced in Canada as opposed to in Britain” (Flouds, 2020).While the British counterpart was said to be unreliable, the Ross Rifle was a straight pull bolt action rifle and was the military's preferred weapon at the time.
  • Nissen Hut

    Nissen Hut
    The Nissen Hut was invented in 1916 by Peter Norman Nissen, a Canadian mining engineer who had spent his time in the battle of Ypres and experienced the conditions of war first hand. They were used heavily as “more than 100,000 Nissen huts had been produced and built between August 1916 and the end of the war” (Chiltern Open Air Museum, 2021). They provided protection for the soldiers throughout the war, this was an improvement from the trenches years before.
  • Huot Automatic Rifle

    Huot Automatic Rifle
    The Huot Automatic Rifle was created in 1918 with the intention of being a superior rifle to the Ross Rifle. It was fully automatic and lightweight which would have been easier in wartime. The Ross Rifle also “gained a reputation as an unreliable weapon” (Flouds, 2020) throughout the years in use. However, the war ended before it could be implemented. This would lead to revolutionary advancements in how firearms were created as many in the future would be modelled after it's unique features.
  • Experiments with electrical sound recording by microphone

    Experiments with electrical sound recording by microphone
    The experimentation with electrical sound recording was carried out in 1919 by former air force officers Horace Owen and Lionel Guest. Their work is largely responsible for the technology that we have now and for the advances that have followed it, introducing the modern age of radio.
  • Variable Pitch Propeller

    Variable Pitch Propeller
    The variable pitch propeller was invented by Wallace Rupert Turnbull in 1922. It was considered to be “one of the most important inventions in the history of aviation” (National Aviation Museum, 2008) due to its remarkable innovations in flying control. This innovation allowed the aircraft pilot to adjust blade pitch in order to suit the flight conditions and the overall weight of the aircraft.
  • Invention of the first Snowmobile

    Invention of the first Snowmobile
    There were attempts at a first snow-centric vehicle (snow-mobile) prior to 1922, however “ these early, utilitarian versions were perfected by a Canadian, Joseph-Armand Bombardier”(Westshore Marine & Leisure, 2019). Joseph connected a Model T-Ford to a wooden sled and discovered its ability to ride over the snow as a vehicle. Later in life, Joseph would go on to make military aircraft innovations.
  • The discovery of Insulin

    The discovery of Insulin
    Until 1922, scientists could not find a way to regulate diabetes and used an internal secretion as a form of treatment. Due to the invention of insulin it “forever changed the lives of people with diabetes” (LeWine, 2015), enabling people with diabetes to live to their 50’s vs only living for two more years 90% after diagnosis prior to the discovery (Picard, 2017). In 1921, a team at the University of Toronto started an experimental approach to diabetes and the discovery was announced in 1922.
  • Motor Toboggan

    Motor Toboggan
    In 1924, Carl Elision designed the "motor toboggan" which was a major advancement in motor vehicle technology. It was powered by a 25-horsepower engine, which had the capacity to hold people and drive up to 40km an hour. It was functional over any type of snow and featured a rider over track design which was impressive considering that this is a early stage of transportation and the technology used was “something that other manufacturers would introduce much later in history.” (Kessler, 2013).