Theatre timeline

  • Margo Jones helps regional movement of theatre in America

    Margo Jones helps regional movement of theatre in America
    Margo Jones, also known as Texas Tornado, used her passion for theatre in all aspects of her life. She was responsible for helping pioneer the regional theatre movement in America. Her plan was to “create the theatre of tomorrow today.” Margo has got to live out her motto when she got to open a non-profit resident theatre in Dallas to show that theatre isn’t just on Broadway but should spread throughout America and the world.
  • Chrsitopher Durang Beginning - End

    Chrsitopher Durang Beginning - End
    It only took 7 years, Chirstopher Durang born in 1949 was in love with theatre from the beginning as we watched Broadway shows regularly as well as wrote his own play at age 8. His loved continued as he went the Havard and Yale for drama school. Durang had a very successful career as a playwriter and performer until 2016 when he was diagnosed with logopenic progressive aphasia in 2016. In April of this year it took his life, though he has passed his legacy still remains.
  • Look Back in Anger gives John Osborne a bounce back

    Look Back in Anger gives John Osborne a bounce back
    John Osborne in the year 1956 was struggling not only as an actor and playwriter but life in general. This was all until he came up with the idea to write about the current conflicts that were becoming major problems for England in the 1950s. “Look back in Anger” was the play that started it all for john Osborne.
  • Svoboda begins Latrena Magika Production

    Svoboda begins Latrena Magika Production
    It all started at Expo 58 when Laterna Magika became the first multimedia theatre in the world. Josef Svoboda the designer of the production was named " Father of Multimedia" because of its huge international recognition. The production is told to have something for everyone, because of its use of old and new art forms as well as the wonderful story telling.
  • England's National Theatre established

    England's National Theatre established
    This didn't happen overnight. With over 100 years in the making the UK fist started with the idea of "A House of Shakespeare." It wasn't until 1904 that the national theatre was proposed. Through the war in 1914 and many failed attempts with the founding of the Arts council of Great Britian in 1946 a few years later in 1963 the National theatre was open where its first production was Hamlet.
  • Eletronic medias affect on Theatre

    Eletronic medias affect on Theatre
    electronic media take over on theatre started from the start of its time. The convenience of a TV at home compared to going to watch a production really effected theatres all around the world. The impact is still affecting theatres today as every year that passed there is less people interested in even going to watch a movie in the theatre.
  • NEA / NEH are established

    NEA / NEH are established
    September 29th 1965marked the day the NEA and the NEH were founded. President Johnson signed the bill and said art is a heritage that is precious to the nation. With a budget of 2.5 million dollars the first year, chairman Roger Steven was able to spread art around the country by funding 22 institutions and 135 individual artists.
  • Broadway production of Hair

    Broadway production of Hair
    A quick 6 weeks went by before opening on Broadway. The show was played over 1750 and was nominated for best direction and best musical. The production was about young kids that were struggling to find themselves and who they wanted to be, while getting caught up in exploring in drug and sexual revolution that was themed in the 60s.
  • True West Produced

    True West Produced
    Sam Shepard was tired of everyone staying within the social norm. It was hard at the time to make a production last longer than 2 airs because of Broadways control on what is played. Sam decided to test his luck to put a stop to this with True West a double natured film. The film is meant to show that people can feel more than one way. Sam planned worked as True West was a huge hit on Off Broadway and is still being played today.
  • Cats the musical opens on Broadway

    Cats the musical opens on Broadway
    Cats. One-of-a-kind title, one-of-a-kind production. On October 7th, 1982, Cats made an opening on Broadway. Doesn't seem like a big deal till you understand that at this time it was the first English production to make Broadway with an American team member already. It was said that most productions go lost in the mid-Atlantic. This production not only became big on Broadway but also became an 18-year hit.