Decentralization and Subsidization

  • Broadway

    Off-Broadway became so popular, around 50 groups performed duirng this time period (Brockett 210).
  • Decentralization and Subsidization

    One of the finest directors was associted with RSC. His name was Peter Brook (Brockett 202).
  • Playwrights

    This time period Decentralization and Subsidization also held so many amazing playwrights (Brockett 224). many who have since passed but there are many still living. This created such a shift in culture within theatre but also with people. There were now able to finally see all the hard work that was being put into these shows. This also began in the 1960s when there was so much going on within our country.
  • Sam Shepard

    Shepard is on of the most well known playwrights from this time. He started in 1964 (Brockett 226). He started in Off-Off Broadway, and did not review his scripts because he seen it as dishonest (Brockett 226).Soon after he became known in the mid 70s he changed his ways. With that he was able to create one of the most well known plays from the era that being True West (1980). This play was able to give a look into the new generation (Brockett 227). Still the most known play on Broadway.
  • NEA

    The NEA was created and the US now joined other countries who had said the government should fund support for the arts (Brockett 206).
  • Living Theatre

    During this year the Living Theatre had returned to the US (Brockett 214).The actors took the most popular piece Paradise Now (1968) very serious and the auidence members even went nude and started acting out and jumping on stage.
  • La MaMA

    By this time they were showing more plays than everything on broadway combined,with various types of plays as well (Brockett 210).
  • Living Theatre Makes Broadway

    In 1974, broadway showed a performance called a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. This was on of the first times that there was full frontal nudity during a broadway performance (Brockett 215).
  • RSC

    For 22 years the RSC used Barbican Centre as their home (Brockett 202). They used this building from 1982 until 2002 where they created many productions.
  • Alternative Theatre

    In 1985 what is now Lincoln Center was reestablished, but has now become one of the most popular in New York for staging new plays, producing etc. (Brockett 212).