Henrik Ibsen Born
A Doll's House
Henrik Ibsen Moved to Germany and wrote A Doll's House -
United Kingdom- Property Rights- Women
The property laws before 1882... Married women held the same legal status as criminals, minors and the insane. Post-1882 the possibility of success in the campaign for women's suffrage was greatly improved, since one powerful argument against it -- that a married woman was simply an extension of her husband, so that married men would in effect have two votes -- was now made less plausible. -
Infant's Custody Act--Only father's could be legal guardians
An Act of 1839 allowed an innocent wife custody of her children under the age of seven years (raised to sixteen years in 1873). The Infants Custody Act of 1886 made the welfare of the children the determining factor in deciding questions of custody, but even then the father remained during his lifetime the sole legal guardian. -
UK- Men no longer allowed to imprison wife for conjugal visits 1891
Consistently with these provisions, a woman's body was also held to belong to her husband. It was not until 1891 that a High Court ruling denied the husband the right to imprison his wife in pursuit of his conjugal rights (it was not until 1991 that a similar ruling denied him the right to rape her). -
New Zealand- Women Right to Vote
Norway-Women Right to Vote