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Theater in the 1950s - 1980s

  • To be or not to be

    To be or not to be
    "Joseph Papp founded the New York Shakespeare festival theater in 1954". ( Brockett, 2017, pg. 211) The festival was " Initially chartered as the Shakespeare workshop, an actors workshop presenting Shakespeare and his Elizabethian contemporaries free of charge".
  • James Stewart

    James Stewart
    James Stewart is an American actor who got his start acting out as a bit character and later moved on to "small parts these parts lead to leading roles until he was discovered by Hollywood".( “Jimmy Stewart's Biography.” The Jimmy Stewart Museum, 22 July 2020, jimmy.org/jimmy-stewarts-biography/.) He is mostly known for his roles in the movies Harvey 1950, Vertigo 1958, and The Man Who Knew too Much 1956.
  • Founding of The royal court theater

    Founding of The royal court theater
    A third subsidized English group, the not-for-profit English Stage Company ( better known as the Royal Court Theater) was founded.
    This company " made its mark by championing new playwrights writing for a non-commercial audience" ( Brockett, 2017, pg. 203)
  • Edward Albee

    Edward Albee
    This playwright grabbed the public's attention with biting dialogue and experimental theatrical forms, evident in his one-act plays titled "The Zoo Story" ( 1958) and "The Sandbox" ( 1960). later he became the most honored American playwright. ( Brockett, 2017, pg. 224)
  • Neil Simon

    Neil Simon
    America's most commercially successful postwar playwright. known for writing comedy some of his works include Barefoot in the Park (1963), The Odd Couple (1965), Plaza Suite (1968), and The Sunshine Boys (1972). ( Brockett, 2017, pg. 224)
  • La MaMa

    La MaMa
    " One of the most important Off-Off-Broadway Groups, LaMaMa Experimental Theater Club, founded in 1961 by Ellen Stewart".(Brockett, 2017, pg.210) This theatrical group " emphasized new plays and provided a place free from restrictions ( except those imposed by its limited funds) where dramatists could see their plays performed". (Brockett, 2017, pg.210)
  • Mime sublime

    Mime sublime
    San Francisco mime troupe was founded in the year 1966,
    this group of mimes performed satirical pieces promoting civil rights, equality for women, and various other causes. ( Brockett, 2017, pg. 215 )
  • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
    Written in 1967, The play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. Focuses on two minor characters from Hamlet who sense that important events are going on around them, but who die without ever understanding the action which they have been an insignificant part. ( Brockett, 2017, pg. 204 )
  • The Serpent

    The Serpent
    Written by Jean-Claude Van Itallie, " The Serpent" entwines two historical events; these events being the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy which are also interwoven with the story of Adam and Eve and other biblical events. ( Brockett, 2015, Pg. 216) Furthermore, this play was written as a ritualized ceremony and explores the human struggle between freedom of choice and obedience to external authority. ( Brockett, 2017, pg.216 )
  • Equus and Amadeus

    Equus and Amadeus
    The play Equus written in 1973, focuses on a psychologist who must determine why a teenage boy blinded six horses. ( Brockett, 2017, pg. 204) " This play also questions how living a normal life can deaden the spirit and passion that should be part of human life. written in 1979 Amadeus, depicts the life of Wolfgang Mozart being told through his rival named Salieri. ( Brockett, 2017, pg. 204 )