The Years 1921 - 1941

  • The Immigration Act of 1924

    A United States federal law that prevented immigration from Asia.
  • Presidential Election of 1924

    Calvin Coolidge became president in 1924.
  • Presidential Election of 1928

    Herbert Hoover defeated Al Smith in 1928 and became president.
  • The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    Raised United States tariffs on more than 20,000 imported goods.
  • Presidential Election of 1932

    Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated previous president Herbert Hoover in 1932 and became president.
  • Presidential Election of 1936

    Franklin D. Roosevelt was reelected president after defeating Alf Landon in 1936.
  • USS Panay Incident

    The Japanese attack and sunk American gunboat Panay.
  • Invasion of Poland

    This marked the beginning of World War II. Germany invades Poland.
  • Tripartite Act of 1940

    Established the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan).
  • Presidential Election of 1940

    Franklin D. Roosevelt broke tradition and won a third term in 1940.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Surprise attack on a United States naval base by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service.