Wright bro

The Wright Brothers

  • Wilbur is Born

    Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867 near Millville, Indiana
  • Orville is Born

    Orville Wright was born on August 19, 1871 in Daytona, Ohio
  • Their dad brings home a toy helicopter

    In 1878, the Wright brothers dad brought home a toy helicopter that was powered by a rubberband. They called this "a bat."
  • Sports Injury!

    In 1885, a sports injury caused health problems that caused Wilbur to be unable to attend collage.
  • Printing Business

    In 1886, Orville started a printing business while he was still in highschool!
  • Newspaper Business

    In 1889, Orville published his first news paper, "West Side News" and Wilbur joined him and was the editor.
  • Bikes!

    The Wright Brothers started repairing and selling bicycles.
  • Taking intrest in flight

    They begin to become intrsested in the flying problem
  • Buildint Test Kites

    Wilbur devises an aerodynamic control system for aircraft and builds a kite to test it.
  • Gliders at Kitty Hawk

    The Wright brothers fly gliders at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, refining their control system. At home in Dayton, Ohio, they build a wind tunnel and conduct research on wing shapes.

    The Wright brothers make the first controlled, sustained powered flights at Kitty Hawk!!!!
  • Manufacturing Airplanes!

    They begin manufacturing airplanes.
  • Wilbur Dies

    Wilbur Wright dies of typhoid in Dayton, Ohio.
  • Orville Sells the Company

    Orville sells the airplane company.
  • Orville Dies

    Orville Wright dies of a heart attack in Dayton, Ohio