Wilbur Wright is born
Wilbur Wright is born on April 16, 1967 in Millville, Indiana Credit: found on wikipedia -
Orville Wright is born
Orville wright is born in Dayton, Ohio Credit: About.com -
The Wright Vycle Co. is invented
Wilbur and Orville Wright open up their own bicycle company which funds their experiments. The Wright Cycle Company fixed and sold bikes until 1907. Credit: wikimedia -
The Wright Brothers make the first powered and controlled flight
The first ever powered and controlled flight taked place in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Orville was the one who flew the fist flight in the original Wright Flyer -
The wright brothers are awarded with the Congressional Gold Medal Award
A cobgressional Gold Medal is an award that is bestowed by the United States Congress; the Congressional Gold Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom are the highest civilian awards in the United States. -
Wilbur Wright dies of typhoid fever
Wilbur wrigth dies of typhoid fever, a bacterial disease that spreads through contaminated food and water Credit: rarenewspapers -
Orville Wright Cells the Wright Company
Orville Wright dies of a heart attack
Orville wright dies from a heart attack caused by ringing his doorbell five times three days before. He was seventy-seven -
The Wright Flyer is put on permanet display in the Smithsonian
On the 45th aniversery of the first flight, an elaborate ceremony was held and the plane was placed in the Smithsonian's Art and Industries building.It is curently is in the National Air and Space Musuem
Credit: Smithsonian National Air and Space Musuem