Period: to
Wilbur Born
Wilbur was born on a farm near Millville, Indiana. -
Orville Born
Orville was born in Dayton, Ohio. -
Katharine (Kate) Wright Born
Katharine Wright was born on Orvilles birthday but in a different year. -
First Job
The Wright Brothers started thier first job called West Side News . -
Weekly Magazines
Wilbur and orville start a weekly Magazine called "Snap Shots". -
Typhoid Fever
In late Summer Orville had Typhoid fever and was almost near death. -
Octave Chanute visted Orville and Wilbur and winesses some of their glider experiments! -
Orville and Wilbur arrived at Kitty Hawk Camp:) -
Harry A. Toulim
Wrights employ Harry A. Toulmin, a patent attorney, to work on their patent case. -
Aero club
The Wright Brothers join the Aero Club of America:) -
U.S signal and corps
Wright sumbit thier bid to U.S Signal and Corps to supply a heavier-than-flying-machine weighing between 1,100 and 1,250 lbs. carrying two people and going 40 mph. -
Wilber Dies in Dayton, Ohio -
orville dies of a heart attack in Dayton, Ohio