The Wright Brothers

  • Wilbur Wright

    Wilbur Wright
    Wilbur Right was born near Millville, Indiana
  • Orville Wright

    Orville Wright
    Orville Wright was born near Dayton, Ohio.
  • 1882

    At this day the Wright brothers father came home with a toy glider. This toy immedeatly got the brothers drawn toward planes, they easily broke the plane apart and put it back together.
  • Intrests

    Soon the brothers becames very in trested in gliders . They wanted to make an aircraft with no power supply or flappig wings.
  • Cycles

    In 1896 the brothers where absoulutley fasinated by bicycles and made some of their own.
  • Constructing.

    In 1900 the Wright Brothers consrtucted their first glider/ Biplane that went 300feet in the air.
  • Flight!

    In 1903 the Wright Brothers became the first inventors to luanch an airplane for 40 minutes in the air
  • Selling

    At this time the brothers started fixing bikes and they sold a plane to the U.S Army
  • Wilbur Death

    Wilbur Wright sadly died of the thyphione fever.