Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution starts
Started in Britain
Agricultural Revolution: Farms, Crops, Weather, Transport.
Bigger population: migration to cities
Capital for purchasing
Natural Resources: Water, Coal, Iron.
Markets around the world
Inexpensive cotton goods
Invention of the Spinning Jenny and Loom
Improvement of the steam engine
Factories: Creation of the labor system (shifts)
Coal: fuel for the steam engine
Iron: huge production
Railroads: movement of resources
Reinvestment of money led to more profits -
Social Impact Industrial Revolution
New Social Classes: Industrial Middle Class and Industrial Working Class.
Urbanization: people went to cities to work
Reforms to cities
Industrial capitalism: production and manufacturing
Middle class: builds the factories, buys the machines and develops the market
Working Class: bad working conditions for women and children -
Ideologies based on the Industrial Revolution
Ludism: The idea of radicalism by destroying machines that could replace human labor
Chartism: Based on the Peoples Chart, it was the idea to appeal to parliament to arrive at better rights for the people.
Sindicalism: Creation of syndicates and unions to help people get rights in businesses
Economic Liberalism -
Napoleon Bonaparte
Born in Corsica: After it was annexed by France
Member of the French Army
Student of the Enlightenment and History
Robespierre's regime: one of the generals in the army
Italian Campaigns: respect of his troops -
Starts American Revolution
Economical Causes High taxes on the colony
Intolerable acts (Bad Laws)
Existence of local legislatures
First and Second Continental Congress
Declaration of Independence
“No taxation without representation”
Enlightened ideals
Fear of the people: Boston Massacre (2nd Amendment)
Geography allowed independence -
Period: to
American Revolution
Ends American Revolution
Treaty of Paris: forming new government and new laws
Settlement of the west
Free trade with other countries
Creation of a federal republic -
Starts French Revolution
Political Fight for international presence
Ineffective ruler: Louis XVI
Agrarian crisis leads to poverty and famine
Tariffs depending on the area which caused differences (clergy, nobility or third state)
Unmanageable national debt
Antagonism between the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie
Resentment towards the king
Food scarcity
Three social classes
Rousseau and Montesquieu: enlightenment
American Revolution -
Period: to
French Revolution
Ends French Revolution
Representative and authoritarian government
Abolition of special privileges
Workers could organize in unions
Bourgeoisies grow in power: purchase of properties, better jobs, less taxation, etc.
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Public Sovereignty
Revolution as a show of progressive change
New civil liberties -
Second Industrial Revolution
Rise of steel, chemicals, electricity and petroleum
Steel replaced iron: quicker, lighter and more resistant machines.
Electricity for heat, light and motion: electric lights in cities and lead in to communication by phone and telegraph
Internal combustion engines: oil and gasoline working to speed everything up
Industrial production: assembly lines and mass production of goods
Division of power in europe: markedly different lifestyles
World economy -
Rise to Power Napoleon
1799 Coup d'état: Directory overthrown
Establishing the Consulate: Napoleon was the 1st Consul
Appointment of officials, control of the army, conduction of Foreign Affairs, influence over legislature.
1802: Consul for life- 2 years later > Emperor -
Napoelon Achivements
Peace with the Church: Ideals of the Enlightenment
Acceptance of Catholicism as the main religion in France=Pope did not reclaim lands taken in the Revolution
Codification of the Laws: 7 law codes and the Napoleonic Code (Civil)
Retaining Enlightenment rights
Women treated inferiorly
New Bureaucracy: growth of the Middle Class
Freedom or Liberty: lost during the empire -
Napoleon´s Empire
Strong military leader
He ended conflicts with Russia, England, and Austria, to solve certain problems of the French Revolution
In 1803 war started again against England, Russia, Austria, Prussia, and Sweden
Napoleon beat all his opponents
Empire divided in 3 parts: France, States dependent on Napoleon, States allied with Napoleon
Implementation of Revolutionary principles in the conquered areas -
Starts the Mexican Independence
Grito de Dolores: Hidalgo and the Virgen as a symbol
Alhóndiga de Granaditas
Disorganized army
People terrified by the masacre
Victory of Monte de las Cruces
Decision to take Mexico City: Debate
Fleeing to the United States and eventual capture -
Period: to
Independence of Mexico
Miguel Hidalgo, Ignacio Allende, Juan Aldama, Mariano Jiménez y Joaquín Abasolo -
Jose María Morelos y Pavón
Complete and total independence and a man of the people
Cadiz Constitutions: colonial proposal for better relationship
Sentimientos and Apatzingan: Relatively liberal documents after the Cadiz Constitution was rejected
Mina fight for Mexican Independence -
Napoleon´s Defeat
Invasion of Russia in 1812: biggest failure of Napoleon
Russia refused to remain in the Continental System
More than 600,000 men were recruited for the Russia campaign-Less than 40,000 returned to Poland in January 1813
Russia never fought Napoleon: burning technique
Great retreat
Rebellion of other countries after defeat -
End of the Mexican Independence
Iturbides betrayal and alliance with Guerrero
Iguala Plan
3 guarantees: Religion, Independence, and Union
Treaties of Cordoba (extension of the Iguala Plan) -
His last Days
Restoration of the Monarchy: Louis the XVIII
Little support for new monarch: Napoleon eventually escapes
“Soldiers of the 5th regiment, I am your Emperor….If there is a man among you who would kill his Emperor, here I am”
March 20th 1815: reentry of Napoleon to Paris
Russia, Great Britain, Austria, and Prussia realigned to stop Napoleon: “Enemy and Disturber of Tranquility of the World”
Battle of Waterloo (June 18th, 1815)
Exile in St. Helena until his death in 1821
Consequences of his rule -
First Empire
Fake empire
Iturbide's problems with congress (dissolved)
Veracruz (Supports Guadalupe Victoria) and Casa Mata (Restore Congress) Plans
Eventual execution -
1824 First president (Guadalupe Victoria) and constitution
Federalists -
Women in 1830
Women are for bearing children and nurturing them
Second Industrial Revolution created new positions for women
Middle class women lived comfortably
Working class women had to work for their families along with their kids.
1830: women could not have property (controleld by husband)
Universities, medicine, right to vote -
Santa Anna
Important events:
Recognition of independence
First French Intervention
Change to Centralism (affect Texas)
Texas Independence
War against U.S.A.
Ayutla Revolution (against Antonio) 1843 -
War of Reform
Liberals vs Conservatives (Liberals Wins)
Juan Alvarez and Ignacio Comonfort
Juarez, Lerdo, and Iglesias Laws (against clergy and nobility)
Constitution of 1857
2 presidents: Zuloaga and Juarez -
French intervention: Second war
Support by the conservatives
European interference: Maximilian
“Liberal empire”
End of the empire: execution -
Restored republic
Juarez as legitimate president
Education and economy -
Period: to
Elections: Plan de la Noria (Porfirio Diaz)
Juarez dies
Lerdo de Tejada: Plan of Tuxtepec
Diaz eventually wins -
Achivements Porfirio Diaz
Original victory and refusal to reelect
Train lines, telegraphic lines and maritime routes
International presence
French culture
Weakness: age