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The Beginnings
The President's House was the first major feature of Pierre Charles L’Enfant’s 1791 plan for the city of Washington. He visioned a palace for the president to reide in. It was going to be built five times the size of a normal house. It was planned and constructed under the supervision of George Washington. -
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In 1812, hostilities with Great Britain begun which urged the invasion of Washington on August 24, 1814. British troops in vaded the city and burned the White House. Only the outer walls of the White House were left standing. It was decided that instead of just moving the Capital to another city, they should just rebuild all the buildings in Washington. James Hoban returned to rebuild the White House like it was before the fire. In the autum of 1817, James Monroe moved into the new house. -
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The statue of Thomas Jefferson by Pierre Jean David d' Angers, on special orders from President James K. Polk, was set up before the White House in 1948. It stood in the center of the lawn and is sesonaly decorated with flowers. It was moved to the Capital buildin in 1873. -
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James Buchanan added a wooden greenhoue on the west wing's roof in 1857. The grrenhouse burned down in 1867 and was replaced by a wood and iron greenhouse that was as twice as large as the orginal. -
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in 1869, the original stables were moved to an area southwest of the President's Grounds. -
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In the 1870's, additional a rose house, a camelia house, a orchis house, and a bedding plant's house. -
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Frederick Owento expand the White House in 1890. -
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In the west terrace, the swimming pool is replace by a press center in 1968.