After Reconstruction
African American migration in the west begins in the east in philadelphia -
Conflict With Mirgration
Free people of color decided to colonize mexico and texas after changing from africa -
Western african americans population grew 196,000 to 1,787,00 between 1860 and 1950 -
National Change
Migrants lust for political and economic knowledge changed the nation. -
Gold in Black Hills
First african migrates from western united states 200000 african transported between 1521 and 1821 -
Isabel de olviea established Cites
Isabel de olivera founded san anttonio to san francisco. -
African American Migrates
Thousands of African Americans migrate out of the South to escape oppression. -
Jim Crow Laws
Tennessee passes the first of the “Jim Crow” segregation laws, segregating state railroads.
Similar laws are passed over the next 15 years throughout the Southern states. -
Knights of labor
The Knights of Labor, founded and headquartered in Philadelphia, reaches it peak membership of 700,000 with approximately 75,000 African American members. - See more at: http://www.blackpast.org/timelines/african-american-history-timeline-1800-1900#sthash.H0jlaJmi.dpuf -
A record 230 people are lynched in the United States this year, 161 are black and 69 white. In the period between 1882 and 1951, Tuskegee Institute compiled nationwide lynching statistics. In that 69 year period, 4,730 people were lynched including 3,437 blacks and 1,293 whites. Ninety-two women were victims of lynching, 76 were black and 16 were white. Although southern states accounted for 90 percent of the lynchings, every state in the continental U.S., with the exception of Massachusetts, Rh