The West Timeline

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs

    Bureau of Indian Affairs
    B.I.A. an agency of the federal government of the U.S. within the U.S. Department of the Interior. This department is responsible for the administration and management of over 55 million acres of land. This act was created toenhance the quality of life, promote economic opportunity, and to protect the assets of American Indians, Tribes and Alaska Natives
  • Indian Removal Act

    The US Government decreed that the Indian tribes could freely inhabit the Great Plains. A Permanent Indian Frontier was established on the eastern edge of the Great Plains.
  • Fort Laramie Treaty

    Fort Laramie Treaty
    Treaty between the United States and the Sioux, signed in 1868 at Fort Laramie in the Wyoming Territory, giving the right of ownership of the Black Hilld and further hunting land to the Lakota Sioux.
  • Billy the Kid

    Billy the Kid
    Irish American gunman who participated in the Lincoln County War and became a frontier outlaw in the American Old West.
  • Comstock Lode

    Comstock Lode
    Lode of silver ore located under the eastern slope of Mount Davidson, in Virginia Range in Nevada; first major discovery of silver ore in the United States.
  • Little Crow's War

    Little Crow's War
    500 Dakotas broke into food warehouses at the Lower Agency. The agent in charge ordered defending troops not to shoot. At the conference, Little Crow pointed out that the Dakota were owed the money to buy the food
  • Battle of Apache Express

    Fought in Arizona, United States, between Apache warriors and the Union volunteers. Mached from California to capture Confederate Arizona to inforce New Mexico's Union army. It was one of the largest battles.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Offered anyone prepared to settle in the West 160 acres of land for free provided they built a home/farmed the land for five years.
  • Completion of Trans-Cont R.R. DATE UNKNOWN; EXCEPT YEAR

    Completion of Trans-Cont R.R. DATE UNKNOWN; EXCEPT YEAR
    The First Transcontinental Railroad "Pacific Railroad" was a contiguous railroad line constructed between 1863 and 1869 across the western United States to connect the Pacific coast at San Francisco Bay
  • Bear River Massacre

    United States Army attacked Shoshone gathered confluence of the Bear River and Beaver Creek; southeastern Washington Territory.
  • Cheyenne Uprising DATE UNKNOWN BESIDES YEAR!

    Cheyenne Uprising  DATE UNKNOWN BESIDES YEAR!
    The Cheyenne agreed to the terms of the Fort Wise Treaty to move onto the Sand Creek Reservation. The land was poor and survival for the Indians was impossible.The indians in 1863 faced; starvation, they began to attack wagon trains and steal food.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    Armed force, led by Colonel Chivington, which attacked Black Kettle's Cheyenne camp at Sand Creek. The attack was to punish raids on wagon trains. More than 160 Indians; men, women, and children were killed and mutilated.
  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman Massacre
    Battle during Red Cloud's War, this was between Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho Indians and soldiers. This massacre occured to protect immigrants traveling the Bozeman Trail.
  • Bill Cody's "Wild West Show" DATE UNKNOWN;EXCEPT YEAR

    Bill Cody's "Wild West Show" DATE UNKNOWN;EXCEPT YEAR
    "Buffalo Bill" An American Soldier, Bison Hunter, and showman. Received a Medal of Honaor. Organized cowboy themed showes.
  • Red Cloud's War SUMMER OF 1867(OHER DATES UNKNOWN)

    Red Cloud's War  SUMMER OF 1867(OHER DATES UNKNOWN)
    Cheif; Red Cloud, was very upset when white settlers began using the Bozeman Trail that passes through Sioux hunting grounds; began attacking fellow travellers. Red Cloud was a line of forts was constructed to protect the travellers; increased the attacks.
  • Indian Appropriations Act

    Indian Appropriations Act
    This act ended treating Indian tribes as sovereign nations directing all Indians be treated as individuals and legally designated a part of the federal government. Before this act the government signed treaties committing different Indian tribes land.
  • Camp Grant Massacre

    Camp Grant Massacre
    Camp was an attack on Pinal and Aravaipa Apaches who surrendered to the United States Army Arizona, the massacre led to a series of battles and fought between the Americans, the Apache, and their Yavapai allies,
  • The Lakota War

    The Lakota War
    "Black Hills War" series of battles and negotiations which occurred involving the Lakota Sioux and Northern Cheyenne against the United States.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    Army attacked the Indians in the valley of the Little Bighorn. They were attacked from three sides. General Custer led one of the attacking forces; decided to attack without waiting for other two forces to arrive. His force was split into thirds Custer's group were attacked. Custer and all his men were killed.
  • Desert Land Act

    Desert Land Act
    This act encouraged the economic development of the arid and semiarid public lands in the Western states. With this act, individuals applied for a desert-land entry to reclaim, irrigate, and cultivate arid and semiarid public lands.

    An armed force of Native Americas VS. the US Army. This disputed over the non-treaty Indians; giving up their ancestral lands in the Pacific Northwest, moving them to a reservation in Idaho. Ancestral lands and rights to hunt and fish in lands ceded by the government.
  • A Century of Dishonor

    A Century of Dishonor
    Written by Hellen Hunt Jackson. Published in 1881. Book was written atempting to change government ideas/policy toward Native Americans.
  • Cattle Drives

    Cattle drive is the process of moving a herd of cattle from one place to another, moved and herded by cowboys on horses.
  • Capture of Geronimo

    Capture of Geronimo
    Apache scouts who had helped the army track him down, were sent as prisoners to Fort Sam Houston. The Army held them there for about six weeks before they were sent to Fort Pickens, in Pensacola, Florida, and his family was sent to Fort Marion.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Authorized the President to survey American Indian tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians. This act was created to absorb tribe members into a larger society. Afterwards the allotments could be sold after a 25 year period.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    At this event the remaining Sioux were forced into reservation at harsh gunpoint. Many Sioux looked into spiritual guidance. This began a huge religious awakening among tribes of North America.
  • Forest Reserve Act

    Forest Reserve Act
    Allowed the President of the United States to set aside forest reserves from the land in the public domain. Passed by the United States Congress under Benjamin Harrison's administration.
  • Turner Thesis

    Turner Thesis
    Created by Frederick Jackson Turner. It was announced that the Western Frontier was closed, Frederick, a historian from the University of Wisconsin created a thesis stating the Western Frontior gave the American Society its special charcter.
  • Carey Act

    Carey Act
    Allowed private companies in the U.S. to erect irrigation systems in the western semi-arid states; profitted from the sales of water
  • Pratt Boarding School; DATE UNKNOWN; EXCEPT YEAR

    Richard Henry Pratt; Acrive in the Military, opened a school for Native Americans (non funded)