Western expansion
The Native Americans were ignored and pushed farther to the West also, resulting with them having less land. Before expansion, Native Americans never fought with each other because there was so much open land for them to settle on so when they got a little too close borders, they simply moved elsewhere. -
Federal land grants ignite western sttlements.
Canada begins to force indians on revervation.
Custer and his men are killed at battle of Little Bighorn.
Britain takes sole control of Egypt.
Great Plains life
Life on the Great Plains was grasslands in west-central portion of the U.S. and involved hunting and farming. On the Great Plains families believed in powerful spirits that control natural world. Children learned through myths, stories, and games. -
foudnign of Abilene, Kansas, spurs era of Texas cattle drives.
Swedish scientists Alfred Nobel invents dynamite.
Canada's transcontinental railroad completed despite uprising by Plain Indians