Segragation in Alabama
While the Watson's where in Alabama, the kids go to a restaurant and try to order food. The kids were told that their kind was not allowed there. -
The Civil Rights Movment
Joey, Kenny and Bryon were watching some parts of the Civil rights Movement on TV. Later Byron got in trouble for letting Kenny and Joey watch it without their permission. -
March on Washington- 1963
The march on Washington was organized to have equal jobs and equal rights for both black and white people. -
"I have Dream" Speach by Martin Luther King Jr.
The I have a dream speech was given by Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington. He talked about ending racism and segregation and that everyone is the same and should have equal rights -
Birmingham Churh Bombing
At the Birmingham Baptist church, on September 15, 1963, there was a bombing that killed two little girls and injured many other