The Watergate Scandal

  • Richard Nixon Joins the Office

    Richard Nixon Joins the Office
    This was the day Richard Nixon was inaugurated as President of the United States. He won against Democrat Hubert H. Humphrey, with 301 Electoral votes and 31 million Popular votes.
  • Nixon Gets Caught

    Nixon Gets Caught
    During this month was when Nixon was caught installing secret cameras and wiretapping phones to listen into conversations that were taking place. This was done to get a political advantage over his competing candidate during the election.
  • Huge Check was Found

    Huge Check was Found
    On this day, the Washington Post reports that they found a check for $25,000 was sent to one of the men arrested bank account for the break-in of the Watergate scandal. This was huge and was spread all over the world by journalists.
  • Who was involved?

    Who was involved?
    FBI agent G. Gordon Liddy and James McCord, an ex-CIA agent and Committee to Re-elect the President, are found to have taken part in the Watergate Scandal. They went to court and were convicted guilty of conspiracy of bugging DNC headquarters, burglary, and other crimes.
  • Letter of Resignation

    Letter of Resignation
    On this day, President Nixon officially signs in his letter of resignation. From then on forward, Vice President Gerald Ford has now become the new President of the United States of America.
  • Nixon is Pardoned

    Nixon is Pardoned
    Newly appointed president, Gerald Ford, on this day gave a presidential pardon to Nixon for all the crimes he committed while president. As a result of this pardon, President Ford finished the rest of the term as president and Nixon was a free man.