The Watergate Scandal

  • President Nixon is elected

    Richard Nixon, the former vice president who lost the run for presidency in 1960, is elected in 1968 and defeats Hubert Humphrey in a very close election.
  • Burglary

    Presidential election is soon. Love burglars meet and want to break into the democratic national committee headquarters outside the watergate complex. Wanted to reelect Nixon. They were in and out of the building undetected.
  • Reached Headlines

    The break in reached headlines, linking Howard Hunt to the Watergate burglars.
  • FBI Realize Watergate Is Massive Campaign Of Political Spying and Sabotage Conducted BY CREEP

    This begins to unravel the cover-up that those closest to Nixon are involved in the Watergate scandal. The fact that the President denies knowledge of these acts begins to look suspicious and journalists are on his trail to find out exactly who is responsible for the crime.
  • Nixon Wins Re-Election

    Nixon is reelected in one of the largest landslides in American political history, and defeating the Democratic nominee, Sen. George McGovern of South. Nixon wins but the crimes he committed to get re-elected are still being brought up and he will soon become unable to fend off the suspicions of the public and the Senate and House of Representatives.
  • President Nixon Gives Orders to His Chief Aid to Use CIA to Hold Back Inquiry by FBI

    This conversation will eventually become the "smoking gun" tape that convicts the President of ordering the cover-up of the Watergate break-in and of obstructing justice to stop the public from realizing the truth of the scandal.
  • Watergate Committee is Televised

    The Senate Watergate committee begins its nationally televised hearings. Nixon denies any prior knowledge of the break-in and any involvement in the legal proceedings against the burglars.