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The Watergate Scandal

  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    Richard Milhous Nixon was an American politician who served as the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 until 1974, when he resigned from office, the only U.S.
  • Impeachment

    The Constitution defines impeachment at the federal level and limits impeachment to "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States" who may be impeached and removed only for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors".
  • John Dean

    John Wesley Dean III is an investment banker, author, columnist, lecturer, and attorney who served as White House Counsel for United States President Richard Nixon from July 1970 until April 1973.
  • 26th Ammendment

    What is the text of the 26th Amendment? The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
  • Plumbers

    The White House Plumbers, sometimes simply called the Plumbers, was a covert White House Special Investigations Unit, established July 24, 1971, during the presidency of Richard Nixon. Its task was to stop the leaking of classified information, such as the Pentagon Papers, to the news media.
  • Carl Bernstein

    Carl Bernstein
    Carl Bernstein is an American investigative journalist and author. While a young reporter for The Washington Post in 1972, Bernstein was teamed up with Bob Woodward; the two did much of the original news reporting on the Watergate scandal.
  • Watergate Hotel & Office Complex

    Watergate Hotel & Office Complex
    The Watergate complex is a group of six buildings in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, D.C., in the United States, known particularly for the infamous 1972 burglary of the Democratic National
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. was an American politician who served as the 38th President of the United States from August 1974 to January 1977.
  • Sam Ervin

    Samuel James "Sam" Ervin Jr. was an American politician. A Democrat, he served as a U.S. Senator from North Carolina from 1954 to 1974.
  • 25th Ammendment

    25th Ammendment
    The Twenty-fifth Amendment (Amendment XXV) to the United States Constitution deals with succession to the Presidency and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President as well as responding to Presidential disabilities.