Dick Wins Presidential Election
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Dick Goes to China, foreign policy triumph
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Howard makes repeated demands on Nixxon associates, Washington post reporter Bernstien and Woodward investigates break-in, tie burglars to WH
Five Burgalors Arrested in Democratic National HQ
Grand Jury indicts five burglars and two accessories for conspiracy, burglary and violation of federal wiretapping laws
Nixxon re-elected by a sweeping margin
Senator Sam Ervin begins investigation of break-in
Three high-level WH aides and Attorney General Resign
Butterfield reveals that Nixxon has been bugging Oval Office since 1969
Nixxon fires the special prosecutor because of his consistence about Oval Office tapes
US H of Reps votes 410-4 to launch an investigation of impeachment charges against Dick
Nixxon indicted by Grand Jury for Watergate conspiracy
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Dick fights foir executive privilege
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Hoiuse votes on three articles of impeachment, Nixxon is charged with obstruction of justice, abuse of power and comtempt of Congress
Executive privilege is void, and demands tapes handed over
Recorded conversation proves that Nixxon attempted to thrawrt FBI and CIA